The preaching series on Women of Faith has been a meaningful time reflecting on some characters of the Bible who are often forgotten but are none-the-less an inspiration to women and men alike. The first week we learned about Rahab the Prostitute from Joshua 2. Brad and Doreen created a meaningful visual for the altar - a large window frame on the Table with a window box of flowers and a red cord hanging out the window. As a sermon response, worshippers were invited to come forward and receive a red string to remind us of God's faithfulness to convert us from victims into victorious Christians as we trust in Christ at all costs.

The second week we heard a
Sermon Drama on the Widow of Zarephath, who is not even named, but whose story is recorded in 1 Kings 17. Visuals included a small cup of flour, jug of oil and basket of sticks on top of a black cloth ... as she was preparing her last meal for herself and her son before she expected to die of starvation. As she obeyed the Lord's call to generosity, serving Elijah the last of her food, she found the Lord's provision of oil and flour to be bottomless! Worshippers were invited forward to be anointed with the bottomless oil for healing, faith, or any other need, and Pastor Gwyneth was assisted in anointing by Lay Leader Tom Nelson.
Don't miss the rest of the sermon series September 26, October 3 and October 10!
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