Monday, June 03, 2019

Friendly Reminder

Parents of Young Children
We are so glad that you came and that you brought your children with you! Thank you! A few suggestions for your worship experience:
  • Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house.
  • It can be helpful to sit toward the front where it is easier for children to see and hear.
  • Sing hymns loudly, pray, and voice the responses with enthusiasm. Children learn behavior by copying you. If you are excited about God, they will be too!
  • There are Activity Bags in the back of the Sanctuary—your child is welcome to read, look at, color and use these materials
  • Teach children some of the basic prayers; being able to join in with the prayers helps them feel they are contributing too. Also, it can be helpful to explain to your child what is happening during the service.
  • Attend worship often, children like and need routines where they can participate.
To those who are sitting near worshiping parents and children:
A smile of encouragement is always welcome to parents with small, active children!
Jesus welcomed the little children, and so do we. Whether talking, crying, laughing, or singing, the sounds of children in worship are joyful songs of praise