The Peoples annual mission dinner was hosted on September 24 by Martin and Catherine Whittemore, along with the July 2010 Peoples Mission Team who served in Wilmington, Delaware. Martin and Brad stood over two grills creating "make-to-order" Philly Cheese Steaks with options of cheese, grilled onions, peppers and mushrooms. Why cheese steaks? One of the mission trip highlights was a quick tour of Philadelphia which included a visit to Jim's Steaks on South Street!

After a fabulous dinner, the mission team began presenting the trip. Betsy Morrison opened up with a welcome as well as what the team preparation looked like through the year. Then we heard about the various aspects of the trip from Earle, Isaac, Nathan, Ellen, and Pastor Gwyneth. We even watched a short video clip from the
Mt. Joy UMC gospel choir where the team worshiped on the Sunday they arrived.
The team answered questions, and then presented possibilities for a 2011 mission trip which include another trip to Wilmington, and/or to another location such as rural Appalachia or international.
You can view the
2010 Mission Dinner photo album here.
The mission trip display was put together by Amy Wellington and will remain for a few weeks if you were unable to get to the dinner please take a look at the photos, cards from Urban Promise and other materials. If you would like to find out more about the 2011 mission trip, please sign up on the sheets provided on the display table.
We will be be meeting
after worship on All Saints Sunday, October 31 and hope you can join us!
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