Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas Letter to Peoples
There is only one way to fill in this sentence that holds for all times and all situations. That is, it wouldn't be Christmas without Jesus. Jesus is worthy of being celebrated with all of the trimmings of music, friends, food, worship, decoration and tradition. Yet, when some or all of these trappings are gone, Jesus is walking with us all the closer in our loss. He might say, "Yeah, I know what you mean. At my birth, I had no family, no doctor, no clean room or even a bed. I know these losses hurt, but I'm here with you." Jesus is Emmanuel - God with us. This is the miracle of Christmas. It is not a warm, comfortable love that blows away in the face of the cold. Jesus offers a deep abiding love that provides most in times of need.
It is my hope this Christmas season that every gift or emptiness, decoration or loss would turn us to Jesus in celebration and pure need. As you turn toward Jesus, share your hope with others around you in need and come live your celebration here with brothers and sisters at Peoples throughout the year.
Prepare the way for Sunday School!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Telling about Taize
The meditation service will not meet December 28 as it is a school vacation. The meditation service will start back up on January 4 at 7pm, held each week on Sunday evenings.
Candles and Bells
12 Days of Christmas Devotional Guide

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Church Life Training January 24
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Put it on the Calendar
Celebrating the Year
Life in Review 2008 is a chance to hear creative presentations from teams and committees from the church to celebrate what God had done throughout the year. This year’s Life in Review is scheduled after church on January 11. Please come and celebrate the ministries of Peoples Church together, with lunch and lots of fun. If you have been a team or committee leader or have been involved in ministry this year of any kind, please be thinking about a creative, fun presentation! Photo presentations, videos, skits, songs, art ... the sky is the limit.
Pledges Well Under Way
Hungry New Year
Monday, December 22, 2008
Gifts for Root Cellar
What Do You Want For Christmas?

We received positive feedback on the book and group experience from all the groups, and hope to continue with these and additional small groups through the winter.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Pageant

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Pageant Rehearsal
John Folley. Teresa and Andy, and other parents helped children with their lines.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Caroling
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
How to tell your story
Monday, December 08, 2008
Hanging the Greens
The Hanging of the Greens service takes place on the Sunday after the Christmas fair (the fair is generally held the first Saturday in December).
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Coastal Christmas Fair
Great lobster stew too! Thanks to all who donated their time and talents! And thank you to all of the United Methodist Women who led the effort.
Thank you also to Karen Jennings for putting together a wonderful craft area for children to m
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
December Events at a Glance
Saturday Dec 6 9am
Coastal Christmas Fair
Sunday Dec 7 10:30am
Pageant rehearsals begin in Sunday School (new kids welcome)
Sunday Dec 7 6pm
Hanging of the Greens worship,
followed by 7pm Taize meditation service
Friday Dec 12 7pm
Movie time: The Nativity Story
Sunday Dec 14 4pm
Neighborhood Caroling Party at the Arrisons
Saturday Dec 20 9am
Pageant Rehearsal
followed by Cookie Bake and delivery to the highrises
Sunday Dec 21 10:30am
Christmas Pageant during worship
Wednesday Dec 24 7pm
Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Renewed by the light of Christ this Advent
The word “advent” means “coming” or “arrival” and is the season when we prepare our hearts to celebrate Christ coming into the world as our Savior. The worship music, Scripture readings, candle lighting and prayers during Advent help to prepare us for this great celebration and to go deeper in our faith. In addition, this is a special time to remember that Christ has promised to return and we will one day celebrate not only his first advent as a baby, but also his second advent as our resurrected Lord who will come in final judgment and salvation of all creation.
Therefore it is fitting that the mood of Advent is reflective, expectant and hopeful, providing a building sense of anticipation of the birth of Jesus who is the Light of the world. We will perhaps experience a bit of what Mary and Joseph experienced. They had worries and doubts. We also worry about the state of our world, our community, our families, our safety, and sometimes wonder, "where is God in all of this?" Their people were being oppressed by a foreign nation, the Roman Empire. We also experience oppression in many ways - addictions, finances, difficult work situations, illnesses. They were given what seemed to be an impossible task - to bring God's Son into the world. We also experience uphill battles as we face temptations and difficulties of every kind.
But in the midst of all that darkness and doubt, Mary and Joseph found hope in God. And as they trusted God with their very lives, they found God faithful. May we also be empowered this Advent season to place our trust in God, and to be renewed and transformed by the light of Christ.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." -- John 8:12 12
Advent Study 2008

It's a great question. What do you want for Christmas? This Advent book focuses on four gifts we might desire: hope, freedom, Christ and salvation. As we prayerfully consider these gifts each week together in study, we will also delve deeper into the Scriptures used in the study during morning worship.
We hope this Advent season might help make this the most memorable Christmas ever by drawing us closer to God and one another. All of the books have been distributed but we can find you materials if you would still like to join up. Please contact any of the group leaders.
Share the Excitement
Inviting people to church is not about forcing your beliefs or trying to build up the church. Inviting people to church is about sharing with others what is great in your life - even better than recommending a movie or a restaurant. Yet, much like these, not everyone we invite will come - at least on the first invite. You may have to invite ten people before one says yes, or even to invite the same person several times before they think you mean it. If they say no, there is nothing lost, but they know they are welcome. Christmas is an excellent time to offer an invitation, it may already be on their minds before you ask. Try to invite someone each week of the coming month - you may find yourself with a new brother or sister in Christ!
Stewardship Celebration and Thanksgiving!
This is the crew that designed our stewardship series this year, ramping up to stewardship Sunday November 23 with the presentation of our pledges for 2009 in 12 baskets, representing the 12 baskets of leftover bread in the feeding of the 5000 biblical story, complete with a little boy (Braden Wellington!) who offered his lunch. I especially appreciated how they made sure guests and others who were not ready to pledge that day could still participate and not feel awkward or left out. That is Christian hospitality.
And it gets better still. The pledge results this year are amazing. As of November 23, the Peoples family has generously offered $89,688 for 2009, with a total of 32 pledging units so far. Despite financial conditions, no families who pledged last year have decreased their pledge. And 17 families who pledged last year increased their pledge this year - with an average of over $10 increase per pledge. And finally, we have 2 new pledgers! What an exciting time this is as we experience God's faithfulness together. Thank you.
Kathy Brann expects that there are a few more individuals and families who are still planning to pledge their support of their Peoples church family. Come and join in God's work! You will be blessed abundantly.
And for any guest readers, we invite you to witness how this church family loves and cares for one another, as well as those in need in the community and world, in prayer, presence, service, witness, and with our financial resources. And we don't do this in our own power, but in the love of Christ and the power of God's Spirit.
May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am truly thankful for my church family!
Blessings from,
Pastor Gwyneth
2008 Financial Status
However, our Treasurer, Chris Bowker, believes that we are expecting to end the year with our bills paid. The lights won't be turned off. Our phone won't be cut off. This is wonderful news! In addition, we are expecting to be able to pay *about* $3,000 of our conference mission shares. These mission shares represent our connection with United Methodists in Maine, New England, and around the world. They pay for TV ads, missionaries, Bishops, District Superintendents, United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), and many other functions of the general church that we may take for granted. For a great article on the "what, why and how" of missions shares, you can read more at Mission Shares Explained.
Our total mission shares due to the conference for 2008 is $20,496. Thus far we have paid $0, although expect to pay about $3,000 if income goes as projected - that's less than 25%. Last year we were able to pay about 60% of our mission shares due to help from our endowment income. Since this is not possible, we are looking for 2nd mile donations for 2008 so that we might more faithfully fulfill our covenant as United Methodists. Any gift will help! Would you consider making an extra donation?
Thank you to all of the Peoples people for so much cheerful generosity. God is doing great things through you!
The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 6
New Direct Debit Option
There is a new option for making your donations to Peoples United Methodist Church. This is an option for automatically withdrawing your donation to the church from your checking or savings account every week, every other week, or every month. There are also options for annual contributions such as Easter and Christmas.
Advantages could include convenience and time savings to the giver, greater confidentiality in giving, less time spent counting money received in the plate, and consistent giving even when church attendance is not possible. If you are interested, simply fill out the Authorization Form and give to either Kathy Brann (Acting Financial Secretary) or Chris Bowker (Treasurer). You may give it to them in person, place it in the offering plate, deliver it to one of their mailboxes in the church office, or mail it to their attention at Peoples United Methodist Church 310 Broadway So. Portland, ME 04106. For those receiving this by mail, this form is attached to the newsletter, and there are copies at church in the Sanctuary as well.
There is a small ($0.25) fee for each transaction that is deducted from what the church receives. You may revise or discontinue your electronic giving at any time by filling out the same form. If you would like to know more about the organization offering these services, you may contact Chris Bowker or read about Vanco Services at
For those who would like to take advantage of this opportunity but find it meaningful to symbolize their giving in worship, please request a set of offering cards to place in the plate each week that say "I gave electronically". If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chris Bowker, Kathy Brann, or the pastors.
Coastal Christmas Fair Dec 6
The time is here- The Peoples United Methodist Church Coastal Christmas Fair will be held on Saturday, December 6, 9am to 1pm. Your donations to the tables can be placed in Ellis Hall against the wall between the parlor and library/Sunday school room.....trash and treasure, better used goods, books, etc. Candy, knits and crafts, baked goods should probably be brought in the day before. We will be there Friday afternoon and evening setting up and anyone wanting to assist are welcome. The people that volunteered to take down and pack up tables after fair, don't forget us please!!! Anyone wishing to donate things to the kitchen should see Chris Ward. I sent out advertising a week or so ago and since both the Current and Forecaster did not have it in their papers I sent 2nd notices. This is one of our largest fundraisers and we really need the support of the whole church either in participating or attending. Come on down. Have the chili and good home made foods. Enjoy the fun.
Hanging of the Greens Dec 7
At the close of this service, we will begin our weekly meditation service, and hope some folks might stay and try it out. The tree will be lit, and we will invite those who wish to stay to light a candle as the lights are dimmed and we begin our time of meditation. There will be some Scripture, prayer and chant music with periods of silence. The meditation service lasts about 45 minutes.
Worshippers are reminded that AA meets downstairs in the Vestry Sundays from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Please respect their privacy and use the outside entrance to the Sanctuary. Thank you.
Let us prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord!
The Nativity Story Dec 12

Christmas Caroling Party Dec 14
Join the Play!
A dress rehearsal will take place on the 20th of December at 9:00AM. Please drop off your
child(ren) to their teachers at the sanctuary door (not Ellis Hall). Children will practice for the play, be served a pizza lunch in Ellis Hall, and then decorate cookies to distribute to local elderly housing buildings on Broadway. We are asking that parents join us in delivering cookies. We will leave Ellis Hall at 12:45 to deliver cookies. We will sing a Christmas carol in their activity room, and then pass out cookies. Children will be able to leave with their parents at approximately 1:30AM. Please call Andy Folley at 749-5702 if you have questions.
Advent Meditation Devotionals
And the continued good news is that we will be composing a similar devotional booklet, but to be used during the 12 days of Christmas. So if you had a meditation prepared, or an idea but had not written it down yet, we still need these! We have not yet found someone to compile and print these into booklets but you may for now get them to the pastors, if possible by the Arrisons email. Please turn these in by December 14, and the booklets will be distributed on Sunday December 21 and Christmas Eve. Thank you!
Debbie Cole
123 Shepherd Lane
Portland ME 04103
Laity Sunday
This service was awesome!!! The organist played, the choir sang, the ushers sang, Chris and Dan sang, we sang....Boy oh Boy, we Methodists like our hymns. The children, lead by Andy and Teresa, brought food items for the food pantry to the altar rail as part of the procession. Doreen did a very nice children's message. All the children joined the Jr Choir as they sang. Rosemary spoke the message titled "Love is a Blessing" and it was goooooooooooood. Betsy Morrison read scripture. The collection of pledge cards directed by Kathy Brann of Finance and our lay leader, Earle, was done by 12 people with 12 baskets representing the "Fishes and Loaves" story and they were blessed at the altar. Prayer cards were read beautifully by Claralee. Lastly Ellen lead us in a rousing benediction to close. The joy was there, the spirit was there and I am glad I was there.
PS For those who aren't familiar with this Methodist tradition, every year during the Fall, United Methodist Churches host a "Laity Sunday" during which the people of the church lead worship instead of the pastors. It was a real treat for Jamie and I to sit in the pews and witness God's Spirit working so powerfully in the church. Wow! Thank you to Earle Harvey as Lay Leader for coordinating this worship service as his role in developing and discipling the laity of the church and celebrating the Lay ministry of the church. Seeing so many new faces helping to lead worship was wonderful. Thank you to all who participated! Pastor Gwyneth
Variety Show 2008
If you missed this, you missed out on a fabulous show put on by many talented persons. First of all our MC, "The Marilyn Voter", is just one hot ticket. She sings, does improv, jams with musicians and is just a great entertainer to behold. The children were wonderful. Dena played piano, Faith played piano and sang, Alexandrew did a brief improv on piano, Caleb played the guitar and Aaron Matthews was our invisible entertainer. He experience a little stage fright and sang his song from "the wings". Our Pastors performed a wonderful swing dance. Dan and Chris performed a duet accompanied by Ruth. Rosemary and Linda W put on a hilarious puppet show with very unique sea creatures in a story written by Rosemary and with her own puppet creations. Sally Smith performed a stand up comedy routine. Sally's costumes are a whole act in themselves. Jean Swanson told us a joke from the audience. Betty Smith sang a sweet Irish lullaby. Pastor Jamie sang a love song. The ushers sang for us and they had rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed and were just so good. Fred Wade played the piano. Merrill sang beautifully. Glory Dunn read to us the tale "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" and poem "Comfort"and this woman is a natural story teller. Pastor Jamie strummed bass and Tim Wedge sang and they were a class act BUT when Marilyn ad libbed and jammed with them on one song, they were GREAT! In the kitchen Janice Huelin's crew Jody F, Carol B, served coffee and sweets that they had purchased or made or received from lots of people like Barb N, Betsy M and Becky G. Earle Harvey was here there and everywhere and I am not exactly sure what his role was, other than recruitment guy, but I do know he did it very well. Our unsung heroes and directors, Chris worked her magic using her persuasive ways and her fabulously talented family and Merrill Kaiser worked hard getting this show on the stage. Maybe we are off Broadway, OK, way off Broadway, BUT we were spectacular.
Peoples Workday
The day dawned icy cold. Starting at 8:00 am, at 22 degrees and windy, People's People gathered through out the morning to rake and mow and clean the church grounds. I personally had so many clothes on to ward off the cold that if I fell I would have bounced. Walter with his BIG mower and truck with trailer, Chuck, Brad, Doreen, Susan, Kathy B, Barb & Tom, Art with his leaf vacuum/blower tool. We raked and mowed and vacuumed with vigor and did the job within a short time and then some of us gathered in the kitchen. In the kitchen I removed my wool hat and my hair took on a life of its own with static cling....some parts were flat and other parts stood straight up in the air. When Doreen looked at me she said uh it really doesn't look THAT bad, kind of "edgy". How kind. Chuck made fresh coffee and we ate home made biscuits with sausage made by Chuck and Joanne. Those were the best sausage and biscuits I ever ate. A really good time!
Life in Review 2008 - Jan 11
If you have been a team or committee leader or have been involved in ministry this year of any kind, please be thinking about a creative, fun presentation! In addition, we will be compiling a book of all committee and ministry reports to be handed out that day. These committee reports will be due January 5. Thank you!
Church Council Calendaring Party Jan 10
Cluster Training Event Jan 24
Walking on Water

The plenary speaker was Paul Nixon, author of the book "I Refuse To Lead a Dying Church," and we heard his main seminar in Belfast on DVD. It was titled, "Why young people would rather walk the dog on Sunday morning." Sad but true. What can we do to reach more youth and young adults? Let's pray together and follow where God leads!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thank you
Friday, November 14, 2008
Fall Mystery Ride
About 25 mystery riders gathered in Ellis Hall after church on Sunday, Nov. 2. After a brief introduction they bravely headed out, not knowing where they were going, but armed with clipboards full of directions to follow and questions to answer along the way. The directions were challenging and the questions tough, but the mystery riders were diligent and determined as they made their way along "a wide road" (Broadway) onto a "happy incline" (Pleasant Hill) and to a "dark, sharp road" (Black Point). Participants finished their mystery ride at beautiful Kettle Cove in Cape Elizabeth.
Because temperatures were low and winds were high, folks drove back to Ellis Hall where they were greeted with hot cider and enjoyed a brown bag lunch. After lunch, questions were reviewed and winners determined.
The Arrison's, the Dunn's and Doreen Gay did a great job of sticking to the speed limit while following directions and answering questions. Our first prize winners were the Morrison's. Congratulations Brad and Betsy! Hope you're enjoying those donuts and apple cider. A fun time was had by all and we hope more riders will join in the mystery ride another year.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Time Change November 2
New Music Director
Debbie and David Cole
22 Colonial Road Portland, ME 04102
(207) 797-9618
Consecration Sunday November 23
If you consider Peoples your church family, we hope you will seriously and prayerfully consider continuing or beginning "percentage giving" and to indicate your pledge to give for 2009. Why? Most importantly for our own faith. Our level of financial giving is a direct indication of how much we trust God, and how close a relationship we have with the body of Christ, which is the Church. When we decide to give a percentage of our income to our church family up front, we step out in faith that God will provide for us the rest of the week or month. On the other hand, when we give at the end of the week or month whatever we happen to have left over, or throw in the plate whatever we happen to have in our wallet, we are walking by "sight" rather than by "faith."
Pledging is also an indication of our level of faith. Some folks are only comfortable in giving what they can afford to give each week rather than making a promise to God and the Church what they will give for the coming year. When we budget out our giving ahead of time, we are walking by faith rather than by sight.
All of us (no exceptions) have room to grow in this area of stewardship of our finances. Even folks who are currently giving at 10% or more of their income can grow in what it means to give sacrificially. And we also have room to grow in other areas of stewardship; as we have been learning in Living For Giving, stewardship does have to do with money but is much bigger than money alone. We are in fact stewards of the manifold grace of God!
On Laity Sunday November 23, when the lay folks of the church lead worship, there will also be an opportunity to offer your pledge cards in response to God's grace in your life. This is called Consecration Sunday, as we will together bless the pledges of the church family. So offer your pledge with joy and gratitude for the manifold grace of God.
Fall Cleanup Day
Variety Show
Want to Walk on Water?

Fall Mystery Ride November 2
Church Conference

Wayside Ministry Going Strong
Why not try this exciting ministry? You will be very blessed. Next time we're scheduled is December 31, New Years Eve. What better way to usher in the new year than to serve those in need? Helpers can arrive between 5-6pm, and the doors open at 6pm, with clean up generally done by 7:30pm. If you have any questions or need a ride, please contact Tom Nelson.
A very HAPPY Halloween
Please stop by Ellis Hall and see the bulletin board display. Also, for more information on UNICEF, please see
Bible Politics Forum
Stewardship Preaching Series

We are in the midst of a stewardship preaching series through mid-November, “Living for Giving” which coincides with the 5-week small group studies that began the end of October. Stewardship is about a lot more than “giving money to the church.” It’s about God’s grace. Come and find out more! It’s not too late to join a group – please see Earle Harvey or the pastors for more information.
* Monday 7pm at the Dunns home
* Tuesdays 9am at Rosemary’s home
* Wednesdays 7pm in the Church Parlor (off Ellis Hall)
* Virtual Group by Email
In addition, the Finance Committee is scheduling special speakers throughout November to talk about the joy of stewardship personally to them.
For more information on this, please see the Stewardship article from last month's newsletter.
Pie Bake Fundraiser
Is there any interest in having a little time out of the kitchen during the holidays? How about your favorite pies being baked for you? What I am proposing is a fundraiser to help the church and you as well. The pies will be baked and either delivered to you or they can be piced up the day before Thanksgiving at the church. Unless specified, each pie will be 9" apple, pumpkin, squash, pecan and others on request. The cost would be $10-$15 depending on the pie. If interested, please contact Rosemary Herd 799-2392 or Chris Ward 767-2516. If it turns out well, we can repeat for Christmas, adding cookies to the mix.
Changes in Finance
Kathy Brann has felt led to step in as acting Financial Secretary, and will be officially brought in when Church Council votes on the entire slate of leaders for 2009 in December. Kathy brings years of accounting experience, and has been serving as Finance Chair this year. Kathy also brings some innovative ideas, which will be brought to Church Council in November.
Please keep all of these folks in your prayers, and support them in any way you can. Thank you again to Keith and Becky, and to Kathy for stepping up to the plate!
Golf Scramble
The Peoples Wild Golf Scramble was held on October 18 at the South Portland Municipal Golf Course. The event was jointly sponsored by the Methodist Men under Merrill Kaiser with support by Nurture Chairperson, Rosemary Herd who furnished the food.
Twenty-four members and friend participated for various prizes. The winning team was Tom Nelson, Captain. The longest drive for women was Barbara Nelson. The closest to the pin for the men was Mark Tordoff. The closest to the pin for the women was Cynthia Beddie.
Prizes were donated by Dicks Sporting Goods and South Portland Municipal Golf Course.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Second Saturday Mornings

Annual Auction Filled With Spirit

Shortly before 7 PM Harold Sutherland, the famous auctioneer, came through the door to Ellis Hall and proceeded to look over the merchandise and renew friendships with Doreen and many others who had frequented his many auctions both at Peoples and elsewhere. Doreen welcomed the gathering of peoples there for an evening of entertainment and bargains. This was followed by a prayer offered by Pastor Jamie and then it was time for Harold to go to wor

It is rather interesting that some items of what might be considered of great worth seemed to go for very low bids while other items that one would not expect would bring in as much

We certainly thank Doreen for all of the effort that she put in to the arrangements and Sue Angell, Marlene Tordoff and Betsy Morrison for their cool calculations of sales and money. Amy Wellington was helpful in assisting with the merchandise and Samantha Foote, Nathan and Isaac Dunn for their willingness to serve as runners.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Stewardship Study for the Whole Church

WOW Satellite Opportunity in Belfast!

However, it's just come to our attention that a satellite version of this same conference is being offered in Maine!
Saturday November 8 at 9am-12:30pm in Belfast, Maine
Don't miss this opportunity!
The School of Congregational Development for the United Methodist Church in New England
For the first time, we’re thrilled to offer a shorter taste of the WOW event to those who can’t make it to the main campus in Bloomfield CT. Bring yourself, your church leadership team, or your entire congregation on Saturday, November 8th.
It’s close. It’s brief. It’s convenient. So plan to join us right now!
Keynote Speaker: Paul Nixon
We’ll rebroadcast Paul Nixon’s plenary presentation from the main campus. Paul is a pastor, church planter, coach, consultant, and the author of several books including “I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church.”
Belfast United Methodist Church
23 Mill Lane Belfast, ME
9:00 Opening Worship
9:30 Workshop Session #1:
A. From Fist to Fingers
B. Growing Healthy Churches
10:30 Keynote Broadcast: Paul Nixon
11:30 Workshop Session #2:
A. No More Boring Worship
B. Tuning In
12:30 Depart
Childcare will be provided.
Register Now!
Click here to download the flyer and registration: WOW Satellite
Monday, September 29, 2008
Fresh new Jr. Choir
Please contact Ellen Dunn for more info. or to join up!
Bible Politics Forum
October 6 Economy, Environment, Energy
October 13 Life, Death and Choice
October 20 US Role in the World
October 27 Getting to the Truth in Media
November 3 Healthcare
November 10 Beyond Bipartisanship
FMI call Pastor Jamie at 799-6814 or see
Taizé Meditation Services

All welcome!
Church Auction October 10

Please donate items, a weekend at your camp, gift certificate, baked goods, or personal certificate for services such as babysitting, cleaning, or handyman! AND please save the date and invite a friend or two as it’s a fun event run buy a professional auctioneer! There will be a viewing at 6PM. The live auction will be at 7PM. Refreshments will be for sale also. FMI or to help, contact Doreen at 767-3572 or
A Ministry of Caring
TWO SATURDAY SESSIONS: Oct 11 & Nov 15 9 am – 4 pm
LOCATION: Tuttle Road UMC, 52 Tuttle Rd, Cumberland Center
INSTRUCTORS: Pastor Linda Brewster & Rev. Meg Queior
COST: $12
Meg Queior 207-829-3766
Linda Brewster 207-807-2210
If attend both sessions, satisfies the requirement for Advanced Lay Speaker certification
Mechuwana Work Day October 11

We hope many will come out for this fun time of missions and fellowship. Please contact Carol Bruneau if you plan to attend and if you would be willing to drive or need a ride.
Golf Scramble

Do you want to have fun and play golf at the same time? Peoples is sponsoring a golf scramble on October 18 at the S. Portland Municipal Golf Course. Entrance fee will be $35 / person. Tee times start at 8am. Prizes will be awarded and refreshments served at the church after the matches. Team captains are looking for golfers to complete their teams: Dan Doughty, Hank Dunn, Merrill Kaiser, Tom Nelson, Bill Beddie, Keith Snoddy, Art Tordoff, Fred Wade and Jamie Arrison.
Church Conference October 30 7:30pm
All are invited and welcome to attend, and all church leaders strongly encouraged to participate.
We'll begin with worship, and the Staff Parish Relations Committee is providing refreshments. Please mark your calendars for Thursday, October 30 at 7:30pm.
Want to learn how to Walk on Water?
WOW: Walk on Water
Thurs-Sat, November 6-8, 2008
Bloomfield, CT at the Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary, a Catholic retreat center
Keynote speaker will be Paul Nixon to New England! Paul will speak twice on Friday, November 7. Paul is the author of several books, including I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church.
Registration Details:
--Individual registration: $85 per person before Sept. 30; $100 per person after Sept. 30
--New this year: registration fees include all Friday meals and Saturday breakfast!
Register online today at
One of the pastors will be attending. If you would like to carpool, please let us know.
Variety Show
Do you have an act to share in the Variety show to be held on November 8 ?
See Chris Ward or Merrill Kaiser to apply. The show starts at 7pm in the Vestry. Refreshments will be on sale all evening. Mark your calendars for an evening of fun and frolic!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Peoples Ice Skating
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Community Fair
What a fantastic time was had on Saturday, September 6 by one and all!
Primarily through the efforts of Andy Folley and Rosemary Herd a wide array of games were prepared for the children of the

An estimate of the number of folks who came through the door on this Saturday morning was somewhere in the vicinity of 100. This could be disc

Thursday, September 04, 2008
Back into the Swing Fall 2008
Adult Sunday School 9am
Coffee Fellowship 10am
Worship 10:30am
Kids Sunday School during worship (kids leave after the children's message)
Walking group Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4pm
Prayer Service Wednesdays 7:00pm
Senior Choir Rehearsal Thursdays 7:00pm
Staff Parish Relations Committee 1st Tuesday 7pm
Worship Committee 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm
Finance Committee 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm
Church Council 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm
Prayer Shawl and Craft Ministry 2nd Thursday 7:00pm
Men's Breakfast 2nd Saturday 7:30am
Ushers Meeting 2nd Saturday 8:45am
Discipleship / Missions / Nurture 3rd Tuesday 7pm
Bean Supper 3rd Saturday 5:00pm
United Methodist Women 3rd Tuesday 1pm
Trustees 4th Tuesday 7:00pm
Still up in the air for scheduling ...
Junior Choir (most likely will be practicing Sunday mornings only; stay tuned for more)
Community Fair & Carnival Sept 6
Kids Sunday School Begins September 7