Community Fair/Nickel Carnival A Success
What a fantastic time was had on Saturday, September 6 by one and all!
Primarily through the efforts of Andy Folley and Rosemary Herd a wide array of games were prepared for the children of the

neighborhood. Children could dig in a sandbox to discover Noah’s Ark-eological finds or they could do a Biblical word scramble to identify the books of the Bible.

Jonah was present also for a bean bag toss into the whale’s mouth. Some children found that finding the real "Angelic" duckies in a pool was fun while others took out frustrations and feelings by tossing darts at balloons. Each game that children participated in cost a nickel which in turn would go toward the support of a mission project that the Sunday school would determine at a later date. Free food was available in the form

of Sno-cones, Popcorn and hotdogs. Carol Bruneau and Earle Harvey representing the discipleship committee willingly acquired information, materials or actual personalities to man booths that advertised many of the local and distant missions that Peoples church supports. Ronald MacDonald House, Root Cellar, Wayside Soup Kitchen, the Food Pantry, Boys and Girls Club, Meals on Wheels and the Heifer Project along with information from the South Portland Police and Fire Departm

ents were available for children and adults to investigate. Our own Shawl Ministry was also well represented with a beautiful display of handiwork.
An estimate of the number of folks who came through the door on this Saturday morning was somewhere in the vicinity of 100. This could be disc

erned by the number of hotdogs, sno-cones and cones of popcorn that were handed out. For those serving food and those working at various stations the general feeling was that we all had fun and the event offered an opportunity to disciple to the community that we live in.
Well bless our souls! Guess who's birthday it was? Happy Birthday Pastor Gwyneth!
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