Many church-goers cringe when they hear the word "stewardship," which may bring to mind boring stewardship campaigns and feeling pressured to give more when finances are already tight at home. However, this study puts "stewardship" in a much broader perspective than money alone. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism himself taught widely about stewardship in connection to God's grace.
A pilot group, led by Earle Harvey, began this study together in September to evaluate its use for the church; those attending (as well as those studying the book on their own) have all had very positive feedback. The format is similar to Disciple Bible Study with video, workbook and life application questions. The workbook serves well as devotional material, but is especially fruitful when discussed in a small group setting.
Earle Harvey is currently seeking people to host a group in their home, as well as people to lead and facilitate. We will have sign ups at church, and hope everyone will want to join a group. In addition, if you are interested in leading or participating in a "virtual study" through email please keep this in mind as well.
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