About 20 attended this year's church conference with District Superintendent, Rev. Mike Davis presiding. Several brought refreshments, and we began with worship led by Mike before delving into business. Earle Harvey presented a creative lay leader's report with a horn of plenty, and each piece of fruit representing an area of ministry we will be focusing on in 2009. The pastors showed a slide show of highlights for 2008. And Pastor David Nicol represented the District Ministry Team to present ways in which we might "re-think" church in order to start growing and reaching people beyond our walls. This time included discussion in small groups with questions such as "What is your passion in life" and, "How could your passion in life be used to reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ?"
Doreen Gay, Recording Secretary, will be publishing minutes within the next few weeks, which will be presented to Church Council. If you are unable to attend Council and would like a copy, please let the pastors or Chris Ward, Council Chair, know.
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