Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stewardship Celebration and Thanksgiving!

The Finance Committee has done a superb job working as a team. Kathy Brann has stepped in as acting Finance Secretary with the short-notice leave of Keith Snoddy as his career has called him overseas for a time. Chris Bowker continues to manage our bill-paying with an amazing sense of creativity and attention to detail. Earle Harvey continues to light a match under each one of us to not just do what we've always done but to step out into the realm of new possibilities. And Susan Angell, well what more can you say! She brings enthusiasm, passion and creative ideas to every bit of our stewardship.

This is the crew that designed our stewardship series this year, ramping up to stewardship Sunday November 23 with the presentation of our pledges for 2009 in 12 baskets, representing the 12 baskets of leftover bread in the feeding of the 5000 biblical story, complete with a little boy (Braden Wellington!) who offered his lunch. I especially appreciated how they made sure guests and others who were not ready to pledge that day could still participate and not feel awkward or left out. That is Christian hospitality.

And it gets better still. The pledge results this year are amazing. As of November 23, the Peoples family has generously offered $89,688 for 2009, with a total of 32 pledging units so far. Despite financial conditions, no families who pledged last year have decreased their pledge. And 17 families who pledged last year increased their pledge this year - with an average of over $10 increase per pledge. And finally, we have 2 new pledgers! What an exciting time this is as we experience God's faithfulness together. Thank you.

Kathy Brann expects that there are a few more individuals and families who are still planning to pledge their support of their Peoples church family. Come and join in God's work! You will be blessed abundantly.

And for any guest readers, we invite you to witness how this church family loves and cares for one another, as well as those in need in the community and world, in prayer, presence, service, witness, and with our financial resources. And we don't do this in our own power, but in the love of Christ and the power of God's Spirit.

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am truly thankful for my church family!

Blessings from,
Pastor Gwyneth

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