On the evening of Friday, March 23 at 5:45 a meal with definite international flavor was served via buffet to near

The tables were decorated with table clothes that included the colors of federal national flags and Rosemary Herd contributed international dolls to the displays on each food table. Many folks assisted in the kitchen, setting the tables, preparing the food and

The room was festively decorated with displays of crafts and life experienced by several short-term missionaries who came to the event to present their story in display, pictures and words. There were displays that celebrated the missions experienced by Jane and
Cliff Ives in several countries including Haiti an

Pastor Gwyneth Arrison when she joined a group from the Grace Bible

Additionally there was a bulletin board that illustrated correspondence and pictures that have been received by some Peoples families that sponsor Compassion Children around the world. There was also a table where you could sign up if interested in short-term mission expereinces. That sign-up sheet will be available in the sanctuary for several weeks.
Beginning around 6:45 the evening program began with each of the people who had set up displays giving presentations that centered on three questions. 1.What do you have to do to prepared for short-term missions? 2. What can you expect or not expect once you are in the midst of your mission experience? 3. How does the experience transform your life? These three questions are suggested in the book Jane Ives wrote for Upper Room Publishing, titled, Transforming Ventures an excellent source or study for anyone anticipatin

In addition to the aforementioned folks John Tordoff made a brief presentation. He is a freshman at Gorham High who last summer experienced a mission trip to Raleigh, North Carolina with others from Hollis Center to work and play with young folks in some of the project areas of that city.
Each of the presentations showed the personality interest and enthusiasm of those who had participated. One of the objectives of the program was to give folks in attendance an appreciation for what is going on in the world through mission opportunities. The hope and desire is that sometime in the next year or two there may be folks from Peoples that have the courage and interest to develop and go on missions elsewhere in this country or overseas.
The final presenter was Merrill Kaiser of Peoples who is presently the leader in

All in all it was a fabulous evening attended by many members and friends of Peoples Church. I would like to close this report with the words that could be found on the back of the evening’s program.
"We thank the participants for their time and their willingness to share their experiences in serving folks in many areas of the world. We thank you, the audience, for your graciousness and interest in participating in tonight’s program. We do hope that you will have taken away a better understanding and concern for peoples who in many cases live in conditions much less comfortable than our own. If you have taken away a message that calls for you to participate in some way, large or small, then the primary goal of tonight’s messages have been achieved."
May the Lord Bless You In Your Walk with the Lord.
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