Sunday, March 04, 2007

Financial Update

To encourage us as a church to reach our goal of funding our budget for this year, we will continue to share the latest financial news. February finishes with our expenses exceeding income for the year by $4,800. There are some good factors that help make our immediate picture hopeful. We have paid our oil bills on delivery as opposed to waiting for invoices. The result is our oil expences for March and April will be lower than last year. We have paid more towards our mission shares this year than up to this point last year due to invoicing of ministerial support costs as well as a donation by Bishop Ives towards our general conference benevolences. We also had a special gift of $5000 towards the budget from another source.

Going forward, we will need to both consider reducing some expenses as well as adding additional income to make up for the $46,000 budget deficit this year. If you are able, please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge. We will be encouraging tithing with four tithing Sundays this year on the fifth Sundays of April, July, September and December. These are opportunities to experience bringing the first 10% of your income for the week to share together with the church and seeing how God continues to provide.

We will also look towards other special gifts and creative fundraising. If you have an idea, please share your thoughts. It would be particularly helpful in this cold season of high prices if some felt led to donate towards our oil bill. Thank you for your consideration and continued prayers over our budget. We can have confidence that through the faithful obedience of His people, God will provide all we need to fulfill His calling for our church.

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