Once a month men of Peoples United Methodist Church come together in the Vestry of the church for breakfast and to chat about a myriad of topics. Anywhere from a few to 20 or so men of all ages have met in this maner and for that purpose for over two years. Formulated originally by Hank Dunn, the activitiy continues with few changes to its purpose. It is an opportunity for men of all ages to meet in a relaxed atmosphere.

Often Brad Morrison, our resident professional chef, prepares a delectable meal. In the event that Brad is not available others faithfully fill in. To date Hank, Chuck, Charlie, Fred, Jamie and Dan have served as primary preparers. Others have assisted in the kitchen. Among those that attended the March 10 breakfast were Brad, Doug Greer, Jamie Arrison, Jim MacKinnon, Dan Doughty, Tom Nelson, Charlie Lyons, Chuck Kamilewicz, Keith Snoddy, Fred Wade and Art Tordoff. The Men's breakfast regularly meets at 7:30 on the second Saturday in a given month September through June. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list or receive a call as a reminder please notify Pastor Jamie or Art Tordoff or any of the men who's names appear in this article. Hope to see you there!
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