Saturday, November 25, 2006

Youth Group Off to a Great Start

The youth group has been meeting weekly this Fall for about an hour. The pastors have been serving as the group leaders, Eric Detweiler from SMCC as assistant leader, and other adults such as Barbara Nelson helping out too. We begin by playing a few games that are related to topic we’ll be discussing with a variety ranging from silly and athletic to thought provoking and reflective. Then we have some teaching and discussion time on the topic, which currently is “grace.” We close by pairing off youth to share about how life is going and pray for each other, and then gather the group back for a benediction.

For December we aren’t meeting weekly but are hosting some special activities. The youth met at the Wayside Soup Kitchen to help serve the homeless in the area. The youth are also invited to participate in other church-wide events such as neighborhood caroling on December 14 and special worship events. And we are hoping to plan one other special December activity -- some being considered are helping serve dinner and decorate for the Root Cellar Christmas Dinner on December 21, serving again at the Wayside Soup Kitchen, or having bowling/pizza fun night.

If you know of any youth who might be willing to try out the group, either when we are meeting regularly again or for any of the special events, please put them in contact with one of the pastors.

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