Sunday, November 26, 2006

Request for Peoples Roots

Submitted by Art Tordoff

As you know as Historian I have been writing monthly articles on the history of Peoples Church. To date I have done 44 and all can be found at

As we approach December and Christmas 2006 I would like to encourage you to participate with me in writing the December or January 2007 episode. What I would like to do is to solicit from you your memories of what have been the most meaningful Christmas celebrations that have taken place at Peoples in the time that you have attended. You don't have to write a great deal.

Please consider taking a few minutes to think about adult and children's celebrations and why they were most meaningful to you and or to your children. Please make sure that you give an adequate explanation of the event(s) and why they were special. Think of such things as Hanging of the Greens, Christmas Fair, Advent Event, Christmas Eve services etc. Maybe even within one of the above events there was something special such as when the children at the Hanging of the Greens set up the Creche on the altar. Do you remember when you were a young member or attendee and doing something as a Sunday school member or a member of the MYF.

I would appreciate hearing from any and all and then I will incorporate what you have provided in a meaningful episode of Peoples Roots. Thanks in advance.

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