Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ministry of Service is a Blessing

Living the Gospel is not just a personal matter, nor is it just an intellectual one. The intended audience of the Bible is the gathering of the faithful as we live as disciples of Christ. Doing ministry together is what brings our faith and Biblical life alive. As we think of God taking on the flesh of baby Jesus this Christmas, let us consider how our faith takes on flesh in our lived lives together. It is this very parallel that leads to the church being called the Body of Christ.

As Paul says, the Body is made up of many members. We are each called into a life of service that aligns with our own gifts, joys and personality. If you are not currently serving in the church, pray about where you may be called. Is it to help with putting together fun events? Giving input to future studies and small groups? Shoveling snow? Painting? Missions work locally or around the globe? Perhaps it is in visiting shut-ins or new visitors? Making some phone calls? Being part of a prayer team?

Service for the Gospel is often less about what the church needs and more about where God is workin in your life. As you consider, think about what area God may be calling you to grow next. None of these opportunities have to begin as long commitments. If you feel you would like to try one of these or other ministries, let the pastors know. If it does not seem to fit, try something else. God is not done with any of us yet.

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