Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What to Expect When Your Pastors are Expecting

As most everyone knows by now, the pastors are expecting their third child, due January 14. The pastors have been working for several months with the District Superintendent Rev. Mike Davis, the Board of Ordained Ministry for the UMC, and Peoples Staff-Parish Relations Committee to plan for the church ministry when the baby arrives.

The United Methodist Church is very progressive in its understanding of the importance for both mother and father to bond with a new child. Therefore, both fathers and mothers are offered eight weeks of paid leave and an additional four weeks unpaid leave. Pastor Gwyneth has requested six weeks, and Pastor Jamie four weeks of leave time, which has been approved by Peoples and the denomination. Therefore, both pastors will only be on leave for one month – Jamie will return half time for the remaining time of Gwyneth’s leave, and after that they will both be back.

The Board of Ordained Ministry has approved $1,000 which will cover salary of a half time interim pastor for the four weeks both of the Arrisons will be on leave. Most likely this pastor will cover morning worship duties and some pastoral care needs as they arise. S/he will probably only be physically present at the church on Sunday and one or two other days of the week. However, if there were any serious crises the Arrisons would be contacted and discern together with the interim pastor and lay leader whether they should respond to the crisis themselves. All of the contact information will be provided in the next newsletter, upcoming worship bulletins, and by email.

During the month that the Arrisons are away, some ministries will need to take leave as well. For instance, the church may need to use the hymnal books during this time rather than having the lyrics projected on the wall. There may need to be a January-February edition of the newsletter rather than two separate mailings. The Gathering worship will most likely convert to a small group study using a curriculum similar to the one being used at the Thursday morning Bible Study. And most likely the youth group will be unable to meet during the pastors' leave. But again, the time we’re talking is only one month. Peoples is blessed by a strong group of lay leadership and this time may well provide some growth opportunities as well.

The Arrisons would be happy to answer any questions or hear any other comments or ideas you may have.

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