Make a note of these special events going on at Peoples Church in December!
Dec 2 9:00am Broadway Lights Christmas Fair
Dec 3 12:00pm Advent Event (making wreaths)
Dec 3 5:30pm Supper in Ellis Hall
Dec 3 6:00pm Hanging of the Greens in Sanctuary
Dec 14 6:00pm Neighborhood Caroling Party at the Arrisons
Dec 24 6:30pm Live Nativity
Dec 24 7:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Dec 31 5:45pm New Years Eve Party and Memories Night
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Christmas Caroling Party Dec 14
The Arrison family is hosting a neighborhood caroling party on Thursday, December 14th, and hope you will join them!
Caroling 6-7pm around the neighborhood, for all ages
Meet at the pastors’ home
154 Mussey Street (next to the church)
Bring flashlights and dress warmly!
Hot cocoa, punch and snacks 7-9pm (For non carolers too!)
Why not invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker or family member?
Questions? Call 799-6814
Caroling 6-7pm around the neighborhood, for all ages
Meet at the pastors’ home
154 Mussey Street (next to the church)
Bring flashlights and dress warmly!
Hot cocoa, punch and snacks 7-9pm (For non carolers too!)
Why not invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker or family member?
Questions? Call 799-6814
New Years Eve Party
Please join your church family for what promises to be a fun time on New Years Eve, December 31. We'll begin with a potluck supper at 5:45pm. Games will begin for adults and kids at 6:30pm, followed by ice cream. Beginning at 8:00pm, we are hosting a Memories Night in which all are invited to share any memories of Peoples that are meaningful, whether from 50 years ago, 5 years ago, or this week. Please bring photos, scrap books, or any other memorobelia that helps to share your story. And if you have some other media you need help with please contact Art Tordoff, Rosemary Herd or the pastors for assistance.
At about 10:00pm pastor Jamie will be leading us in a special worship service as we celebrate the New Year 2007. We hope everyone will come on out for a great time!
At about 10:00pm pastor Jamie will be leading us in a special worship service as we celebrate the New Year 2007. We hope everyone will come on out for a great time!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Advent, Then and Now
Advent originated about 1500 years ago as a season of discipleship to prepare new converts for baptism, much the same as Lent was a preparation for baptisms on Easter. In the middle ages, Advent began to emphasize fasting, solemnity and darkness as a way of preparing for the second coming of Christ when he will come in victory to save us. Only in the last century has Advent become a time of anticipating the Nativity or birth of Jesus. Even during this time, Advent has remained a more solemn time of waiting and preparation for the new light of Christmas when we celebrate the incarnation of our Savior Jesus Christ. This is the reason that the cloth on the altar changes to purple during Advent and Lent, and white during Christmas and Easter. For more on the colors used in worship go to
However, even in the most solemn expressions of Advent, Church tradition recognizes that there must be some joy evident in every Lord’s Day because of the joy of the resurrection of Jesus, which trumps all other seasons. For more about Advent go to
The church in this country today, however, is torn in two directions. That of traditional Advent in which we sing somber hymns such as “Come, O Come Emmanuel” and “Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending” (which is what most worship planning resources still recommend), versus the joyful carols proclaiming that the Baby has already been born such as “Joy to the World, the Lord is Come.” In speaking to previous pastors we found that until recently, Peoples Church has mostly stuck with traditional Advent. However, just in the last several years, Peoples has sensed the tension and begun to sing more of the joyful carols during Advent that proclaim that the Baby has been born.
Your current pastors appreciate the richness of the Advent tradition, but also want to be sensitive both to Peoples traditions as well as potential visitors who are unfamiliar with the season or term “Advent.” We welcome your thoughtful opinions at any time, and would certainly appreciate input for the Worship Committee that helps design morning worship (meets the 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm).
When the Worship Committee discussed these matters in November, folks spoke of the importance of the Advent Wreath tradition, including the themes of Love, Joy, Hope and Peace. For more information on the history of this tradition, which is fairly recent but very interesting, go to
The worship committee also shared how much they have enjoyed singing carols during Advent in recent years, especially those who are unable to attend worship on Christmas Eve at Peoples when we sing carols, carols and more carols!
We also discussed that it might be more meaningful for people to experience a kind of “ramping up” to Christmas Eve than withholding all and then bombarding the Church with carols on Christmas. This allows for a more gradual process of allowing the light of Christmas to break in. The Worship Committee would like to try this out this year, singing mostly Advent hymns in the beginning of Advent and singing more of the carols toward the end of Advent. In addition, the worship committee is scheduling families to light each Advent candle as well lead the congregation in a short Scripture and prayer. We hope these ideas will provide a meaningful Advent for all!
The “Comment Button” is provided at the end of this article, and we would love to hear your thoughts either posted here, or by email or in person. Again, we would also welcome input during the December Worship Committee meeting.
However, even in the most solemn expressions of Advent, Church tradition recognizes that there must be some joy evident in every Lord’s Day because of the joy of the resurrection of Jesus, which trumps all other seasons. For more about Advent go to
The church in this country today, however, is torn in two directions. That of traditional Advent in which we sing somber hymns such as “Come, O Come Emmanuel” and “Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending” (which is what most worship planning resources still recommend), versus the joyful carols proclaiming that the Baby has already been born such as “Joy to the World, the Lord is Come.” In speaking to previous pastors we found that until recently, Peoples Church has mostly stuck with traditional Advent. However, just in the last several years, Peoples has sensed the tension and begun to sing more of the joyful carols during Advent that proclaim that the Baby has been born.
Your current pastors appreciate the richness of the Advent tradition, but also want to be sensitive both to Peoples traditions as well as potential visitors who are unfamiliar with the season or term “Advent.” We welcome your thoughtful opinions at any time, and would certainly appreciate input for the Worship Committee that helps design morning worship (meets the 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm).
When the Worship Committee discussed these matters in November, folks spoke of the importance of the Advent Wreath tradition, including the themes of Love, Joy, Hope and Peace. For more information on the history of this tradition, which is fairly recent but very interesting, go to
The worship committee also shared how much they have enjoyed singing carols during Advent in recent years, especially those who are unable to attend worship on Christmas Eve at Peoples when we sing carols, carols and more carols!
We also discussed that it might be more meaningful for people to experience a kind of “ramping up” to Christmas Eve than withholding all and then bombarding the Church with carols on Christmas. This allows for a more gradual process of allowing the light of Christmas to break in. The Worship Committee would like to try this out this year, singing mostly Advent hymns in the beginning of Advent and singing more of the carols toward the end of Advent. In addition, the worship committee is scheduling families to light each Advent candle as well lead the congregation in a short Scripture and prayer. We hope these ideas will provide a meaningful Advent for all!
The “Comment Button” is provided at the end of this article, and we would love to hear your thoughts either posted here, or by email or in person. Again, we would also welcome input during the December Worship Committee meeting.
Wayside: Ministry to Those in Need

A group of 14 Peoples people met at the Wayside Soup Kitchen on Wednesday, November 29 to serve a dinner to people in need in the Portland area. We were joined by several other groups making for many volunteers and light work. As their set of volunteers changes each time, we may be short the next time on January 31st, 2007. Peoples volunteers every 5th Wednesday.
The needs are many and the clients ranged widely from teens to the elderly. For all, it was clear that it was important to be able to have this meal. It was particularly special to have enough volunteers to be able to wait on each client's every need. It was also a blessing to be able to serve alongside the same people with whom we worship. Samantha Foote joined us from the youth group only to be surprised that her grandmother Sue was already there!
Our individual volunteer efforts cannot help us understand the Gospel in the same way as working together. We certainly fed Jesus without knowing it that night. The procedures and direction from the staff made the process safe and easy. Please ask the members of groups or committees you share with to go together as a group. It is even a great chance to invite a neighbor to come and serve with us. Mark your calendars for January 31!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
What to Expect When Your Pastors are Expecting
As most everyone knows by now, the pastors are expecting their third child, due January 14. The pastors have been working for several months with the District Superintendent Rev. Mike Davis, the Board of Ordained Ministry for the UMC, and Peoples Staff-Parish Relations Committee to plan for the church ministry when the baby arrives.
The United Methodist Church is very progressive in its understanding of the importance for both mother and father to bond with a new child. Therefore, both fathers and mothers are offered eight weeks of paid leave and an additional four weeks unpaid leave. Pastor Gwyneth has requested six weeks, and Pastor Jamie four weeks of leave time, which has been approved by Peoples and the denomination. Therefore, both pastors will only be on leave for one month – Jamie will return half time for the remaining time of Gwyneth’s leave, and after that they will both be back.
The Board of Ordained Ministry has approved $1,000 which will cover salary of a half time interim pastor for the four weeks both of the Arrisons will be on leave. Most likely this pastor will cover morning worship duties and some pastoral care needs as they arise. S/he will probably only be physically present at the church on Sunday and one or two other days of the week. However, if there were any serious crises the Arrisons would be contacted and discern together with the interim pastor and lay leader whether they should respond to the crisis themselves. All of the contact information will be provided in the next newsletter, upcoming worship bulletins, and by email.
During the month that the Arrisons are away, some ministries will need to take leave as well. For instance, the church may need to use the hymnal books during this time rather than having the lyrics projected on the wall. There may need to be a January-February edition of the newsletter rather than two separate mailings. The Gathering worship will most likely convert to a small group study using a curriculum similar to the one being used at the Thursday morning Bible Study. And most likely the youth group will be unable to meet during the pastors' leave. But again, the time we’re talking is only one month. Peoples is blessed by a strong group of lay leadership and this time may well provide some growth opportunities as well.
The Arrisons would be happy to answer any questions or hear any other comments or ideas you may have.
The United Methodist Church is very progressive in its understanding of the importance for both mother and father to bond with a new child. Therefore, both fathers and mothers are offered eight weeks of paid leave and an additional four weeks unpaid leave. Pastor Gwyneth has requested six weeks, and Pastor Jamie four weeks of leave time, which has been approved by Peoples and the denomination. Therefore, both pastors will only be on leave for one month – Jamie will return half time for the remaining time of Gwyneth’s leave, and after that they will both be back.
The Board of Ordained Ministry has approved $1,000 which will cover salary of a half time interim pastor for the four weeks both of the Arrisons will be on leave. Most likely this pastor will cover morning worship duties and some pastoral care needs as they arise. S/he will probably only be physically present at the church on Sunday and one or two other days of the week. However, if there were any serious crises the Arrisons would be contacted and discern together with the interim pastor and lay leader whether they should respond to the crisis themselves. All of the contact information will be provided in the next newsletter, upcoming worship bulletins, and by email.
During the month that the Arrisons are away, some ministries will need to take leave as well. For instance, the church may need to use the hymnal books during this time rather than having the lyrics projected on the wall. There may need to be a January-February edition of the newsletter rather than two separate mailings. The Gathering worship will most likely convert to a small group study using a curriculum similar to the one being used at the Thursday morning Bible Study. And most likely the youth group will be unable to meet during the pastors' leave. But again, the time we’re talking is only one month. Peoples is blessed by a strong group of lay leadership and this time may well provide some growth opportunities as well.
The Arrisons would be happy to answer any questions or hear any other comments or ideas you may have.
December Birthdays & Anniversaries
1 Louise Farrington
5 Kelsey Flaherty
Polly McMillan
7 Melissa Cook
12 Paul Skidmore
13 Doug Greer
Marshall MacKinnon
Deanna Pike
14 Anita Lyons
17 Dawn McIntosh Skidmore
18 Jean Allen
19 Laura Hladky
Barbara Hull
20 Barbara Nelson
22 Doreen Gay
23 Nathan Dunn
25 Mary Craigs
28 Philip Bryant
29 Christopher Brann
31 Sarah Brann
20 Charles (Chuck) & Joanne Kamilewicz
22 Daniel & Ruth Doughty
1 Louise Farrington
5 Kelsey Flaherty
Polly McMillan
7 Melissa Cook
12 Paul Skidmore
13 Doug Greer
Marshall MacKinnon
Deanna Pike
14 Anita Lyons
17 Dawn McIntosh Skidmore
18 Jean Allen
19 Laura Hladky
Barbara Hull
20 Barbara Nelson
22 Doreen Gay
23 Nathan Dunn
25 Mary Craigs
28 Philip Bryant
29 Christopher Brann
31 Sarah Brann
20 Charles (Chuck) & Joanne Kamilewicz
22 Daniel & Ruth Doughty
Monday, November 27, 2006
More Shawls Blessed, More to Go
On Sunday, November 26, another group of prayer shawls were blessed during worship. Co-Leaders Betty Smith and Marlene Tordoff were invited to come forward to lay hands on the shawls, as well as others who have made shawls as the whole church said a prayer of blessing. Marlene also spoke some about the ministry and encouraged anyone who has been thinking of getting involved to come on out the 2nd Thursday of the month (next meeting in January). There are plenty of folks there who can teach you how to knit if you don't know how! Another way to serve is by donating yarn to the group. You can contact Marlene or Betty for more information.
Almost all of the shawls that were blessed in the Spring have been given out, and have been exactly what their name implies: a real blessing. And more shawls have been completed since the blessing last Sunday! Thank you to all who have made shawls or donated yarn.
The next meeting will take place January 11th during Arts and Crafts night.
Almost all of the shawls that were blessed in the Spring have been given out, and have been exactly what their name implies: a real blessing. And more shawls have been completed since the blessing last Sunday! Thank you to all who have made shawls or donated yarn.
The next meeting will take place January 11th during Arts and Crafts night.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Request for Peoples Roots
Submitted by Art Tordoff
As you know as Historian I have been writing monthly articles on the history of Peoples Church. To date I have done 44 and all can be found at
As we approach December and Christmas 2006 I would like to encourage you to participate with me in writing the December or January 2007 episode. What I would like to do is to solicit from you your memories of what have been the most meaningful Christmas celebrations that have taken place at Peoples in the time that you have attended. You don't have to write a great deal.
Please consider taking a few minutes to think about adult and children's celebrations and why they were most meaningful to you and or to your children. Please make sure that you give an adequate explanation of the event(s) and why they were special. Think of such things as Hanging of the Greens, Christmas Fair, Advent Event, Christmas Eve services etc. Maybe even within one of the above events there was something special such as when the children at the Hanging of the Greens set up the Creche on the altar. Do you remember when you were a young member or attendee and doing something as a Sunday school member or a member of the MYF.
I would appreciate hearing from any and all and then I will incorporate what you have provided in a meaningful episode of Peoples Roots. Thanks in advance.
As you know as Historian I have been writing monthly articles on the history of Peoples Church. To date I have done 44 and all can be found at
As we approach December and Christmas 2006 I would like to encourage you to participate with me in writing the December or January 2007 episode. What I would like to do is to solicit from you your memories of what have been the most meaningful Christmas celebrations that have taken place at Peoples in the time that you have attended. You don't have to write a great deal.
Please consider taking a few minutes to think about adult and children's celebrations and why they were most meaningful to you and or to your children. Please make sure that you give an adequate explanation of the event(s) and why they were special. Think of such things as Hanging of the Greens, Christmas Fair, Advent Event, Christmas Eve services etc. Maybe even within one of the above events there was something special such as when the children at the Hanging of the Greens set up the Creche on the altar. Do you remember when you were a young member or attendee and doing something as a Sunday school member or a member of the MYF.
I would appreciate hearing from any and all and then I will incorporate what you have provided in a meaningful episode of Peoples Roots. Thanks in advance.
December Lectionary Readings
December 3
Psalm 25:1-10
Jeremiah 33:14-16
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
Luke 21:25-36
December 10
Luke 1:68-79
Malachi 3:1-4
Philippians 1:3-11
Luke 3:1-6
December 17
Isaiah 12:2-6
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:7-18
December 24
Luke 1:47-55
Micah 5:2-5a
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45
Christmas Eve
Psalm 96
Isaiah 9:2-7
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-20
December 31
Psalm 148
1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26
Colossians 3:12-17
Luke 2:41-52
December 3
Psalm 25:1-10
Jeremiah 33:14-16
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
Luke 21:25-36
December 10
Luke 1:68-79
Malachi 3:1-4
Philippians 1:3-11
Luke 3:1-6
December 17
Isaiah 12:2-6
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:7-18
December 24
Luke 1:47-55
Micah 5:2-5a
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45
Christmas Eve
Psalm 96
Isaiah 9:2-7
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-20
December 31
Psalm 148
1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26
Colossians 3:12-17
Luke 2:41-52
December Nursery and Ushers
12/3 Betsy Morrison & Kathy Brann
12/10 Doreen Gay & _____________
12/17 Pastor Gwyneth & ____________
12/24 Betty Splettstoesser & Ellen Dunn
12/31 Andy Folley & Pastor Jamie
Kathy Brann
Jim MacKinnon
Brad Morrison
Tom Nelson
12/3 Betsy Morrison & Kathy Brann
12/10 Doreen Gay & _____________
12/17 Pastor Gwyneth & ____________
12/24 Betty Splettstoesser & Ellen Dunn
12/31 Andy Folley & Pastor Jamie
Kathy Brann
Jim MacKinnon
Brad Morrison
Tom Nelson
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Exciting New Leadership Changes
Several leadership positions at Peoples are changing this year. On behalf of the Lay Leadership Team, I want to thank all those who have served so faithfully in these ministry positions, and also welcome those who have stepped forward to prayerfully answer God’s call to serve in new and exciting ways.
Chris Ward has faithfully served as the Peoples Lay Leader for twelve years, working with three different pastors followed by three interim pastors before Bill Beddie and then your current pastoral team. This has required a great deal of flexibility on Chris’ part in working with a variety of pastoral styles as the primary link between pastor and congregation. In addition, Chris has provided the congregation with real stability through a lot of changes and some tough times. She has served these many years joyfully, always with a servant’s heart out of love for her LORD.
Chris will continue as chair of the Worship Committee, as this is her sense of primary calling at this point. In this area she will be continuing in aiding the pastors in worship as was the focus of some of her work as Lay Leader. In addition, Chris has agreed to serve as Lay Leader through our maternity/paternity leave, and so will still be the primary contact if any pastoral needs arise during those four weeks. But even though this change will not be taking place for several months, please take a moment to stop her and thank her for her service as Lay Leader these many years, as well as her willingness to allow others to share in the blessing of serving in this way. Chris is further expanding her ministry with the church as she takes on the role of Church Council Chair.
Earle Harvey will serve as Lay Leader for 2007. What is the Lay Leader? The primary role is a liaison from the pastor to the congregation, and from the congregation to the pastor. The lay leader empowers the entire church in more effective ministry by working with the pastor to develop the congregation and its leadership, and helping the pastor to assess and respond to needs in the congregation. However, the ways this works itself out varies between churches and lay leaders as they bring different gifts.
Merrill Kaiser has stepped up to lead the Missions Team that Earle has been so faithfully leading. Merrill has a particular heart for Heiffer International, though will be continuing our schedule of monthly focus points. We would encourage each small group and committee to take on one monthly mission focus through the year.
Tom Nelson has served as chair of Staff Parish Relations Committee for 3 years, leading the committee through the retirement of Bill Beddie and the process of working with the District Superintendent to find a good pastoral fit for Peoples. Dan Doughty will be a new face on the committee this year but has willingly stepped up as chair. The committee has agreed to rotate monthly meeting leadership, though Dan will take the responsibility of being the primary contact with the district.
Joanne Kamilewicz has become a voting member of Trustees as well as serve as Recording Secretary. Joanne brings a love for our church and especially her husband and dedicated Trustee Chuck. Having accurate minutes is important for this committee with responsibility for our building and investments.
Chris Ward has faithfully served as the Peoples Lay Leader for twelve years, working with three different pastors followed by three interim pastors before Bill Beddie and then your current pastoral team. This has required a great deal of flexibility on Chris’ part in working with a variety of pastoral styles as the primary link between pastor and congregation. In addition, Chris has provided the congregation with real stability through a lot of changes and some tough times. She has served these many years joyfully, always with a servant’s heart out of love for her LORD.
Chris will continue as chair of the Worship Committee, as this is her sense of primary calling at this point. In this area she will be continuing in aiding the pastors in worship as was the focus of some of her work as Lay Leader. In addition, Chris has agreed to serve as Lay Leader through our maternity/paternity leave, and so will still be the primary contact if any pastoral needs arise during those four weeks. But even though this change will not be taking place for several months, please take a moment to stop her and thank her for her service as Lay Leader these many years, as well as her willingness to allow others to share in the blessing of serving in this way. Chris is further expanding her ministry with the church as she takes on the role of Church Council Chair.
Earle Harvey will serve as Lay Leader for 2007. What is the Lay Leader? The primary role is a liaison from the pastor to the congregation, and from the congregation to the pastor. The lay leader empowers the entire church in more effective ministry by working with the pastor to develop the congregation and its leadership, and helping the pastor to assess and respond to needs in the congregation. However, the ways this works itself out varies between churches and lay leaders as they bring different gifts.
Merrill Kaiser has stepped up to lead the Missions Team that Earle has been so faithfully leading. Merrill has a particular heart for Heiffer International, though will be continuing our schedule of monthly focus points. We would encourage each small group and committee to take on one monthly mission focus through the year.
Tom Nelson has served as chair of Staff Parish Relations Committee for 3 years, leading the committee through the retirement of Bill Beddie and the process of working with the District Superintendent to find a good pastoral fit for Peoples. Dan Doughty will be a new face on the committee this year but has willingly stepped up as chair. The committee has agreed to rotate monthly meeting leadership, though Dan will take the responsibility of being the primary contact with the district.
Joanne Kamilewicz has become a voting member of Trustees as well as serve as Recording Secretary. Joanne brings a love for our church and especially her husband and dedicated Trustee Chuck. Having accurate minutes is important for this committee with responsibility for our building and investments.
Ministry of Service is a Blessing
Living the Gospel is not just a personal matter, nor is it just an intellectual one. The intended audience of the Bible is the gathering of the faithful as we live as disciples of Christ. Doing ministry together is what brings our faith and Biblical life alive. As we think of God taking on the flesh of baby Jesus this Christmas, let us consider how our faith takes on flesh in our lived lives together. It is this very parallel that leads to the church being called the Body of Christ.
As Paul says, the Body is made up of many members. We are each called into a life of service that aligns with our own gifts, joys and personality. If you are not currently serving in the church, pray about where you may be called. Is it to help with putting together fun events? Giving input to future studies and small groups? Shoveling snow? Painting? Missions work locally or around the globe? Perhaps it is in visiting shut-ins or new visitors? Making some phone calls? Being part of a prayer team?
Service for the Gospel is often less about what the church needs and more about where God is workin in your life. As you consider, think about what area God may be calling you to grow next. None of these opportunities have to begin as long commitments. If you feel you would like to try one of these or other ministries, let the pastors know. If it does not seem to fit, try something else. God is not done with any of us yet.
As Paul says, the Body is made up of many members. We are each called into a life of service that aligns with our own gifts, joys and personality. If you are not currently serving in the church, pray about where you may be called. Is it to help with putting together fun events? Giving input to future studies and small groups? Shoveling snow? Painting? Missions work locally or around the globe? Perhaps it is in visiting shut-ins or new visitors? Making some phone calls? Being part of a prayer team?
Service for the Gospel is often less about what the church needs and more about where God is workin in your life. As you consider, think about what area God may be calling you to grow next. None of these opportunities have to begin as long commitments. If you feel you would like to try one of these or other ministries, let the pastors know. If it does not seem to fit, try something else. God is not done with any of us yet.
Youth Group Off to a Great Start
The youth group has been meeting weekly this Fall for about an hour. The pastors have been serving as the group leaders, Eric Detweiler from SMCC as assistant leader, and other adults such as Barbara Nelson helping out too. We begin by playing a few games that are related to topic we’ll be discussing with a variety ranging from silly and athletic to thought provoking and reflective. Then we have some teaching and discussion time on the topic, which currently is “grace.” We close by pairing off youth to share about how life is going and pray for each other, and then gather the group back for a benediction.
For December we aren’t meeting weekly but are hosting some special activities. The youth met at the Wayside Soup Kitchen to help serve the homeless in the area. The youth are also invited to participate in other church-wide events such as neighborhood caroling on December 14 and special worship events. And we are hoping to plan one other special December activity -- some being considered are helping serve dinner and decorate for the Root Cellar Christmas Dinner on December 21, serving again at the Wayside Soup Kitchen, or having bowling/pizza fun night.
If you know of any youth who might be willing to try out the group, either when we are meeting regularly again or for any of the special events, please put them in contact with one of the pastors.
For December we aren’t meeting weekly but are hosting some special activities. The youth met at the Wayside Soup Kitchen to help serve the homeless in the area. The youth are also invited to participate in other church-wide events such as neighborhood caroling on December 14 and special worship events. And we are hoping to plan one other special December activity -- some being considered are helping serve dinner and decorate for the Root Cellar Christmas Dinner on December 21, serving again at the Wayside Soup Kitchen, or having bowling/pizza fun night.
If you know of any youth who might be willing to try out the group, either when we are meeting regularly again or for any of the special events, please put them in contact with one of the pastors.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Another Great Auction

Submitted by Doreen Gay
November 3rd, Peoples had it's annual FUNdraising auction. With the professional and very entertaining help from auctioneer Harold Sutherland we raised $4020.10! This amount is much higher than last year and a welcomed surprise, as was the largest audience we have had thus far.
It goes without saying that it wouldn't be possible for me to organize such an event if it wasn't for the support I have from all of you, I can not thank you enough. Please remember to thank these businesses for their generous donation to our auction: Portland Museum of Art, Hair on the Square, Ananias, Shopper's Hardware, South Portland Recreational Dept., Rick Elias from Calm Waters, Portland Stage, Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad, Shaws, Hannaford, ChuckECheese, Eric's Piano Services, Vinny T's, Natasha's, and last but not least Harold Sutherland of Sutherland Auctions in North Yarmouth. If we want continued support from these people it's important that we try to give them our business. Let them know you are from Peoples and that you appreciate their support.
A special note of thanks goes to Howard Wentworth. As you may know, his wife Caro, who is also Sharon Obie's mother, passed away last week. During the time Caro was in the hospital, Howard and Caro were so disappointed they would miss the auction that they sent in a cash donation of $150! To think of the church during this very stressful time is testament to their giving nature. It is very fitting that Pastor Gwyneth would be there for them both near the end of Caro's life here on earth, and that she would be asked to provide a funeral service. Blessings come from unexpected places.
The auction was an exciting time of fellowship, if you haven't attended before please plan to come next year. You are all such a blessing and I appreciate your support and look forward to next year's auction.
Tri-State Superintendency
Art Tordoff on Tri-State Superintendency Committee
The Tri-State Superintendency Committee is similar to local church committees known Staff Parish Committees. It works as a liaison and advisory committee for the District Superintendents and the various parishes in the Tri-State District. In order to become a member it is necessary to be nominated by someone, usually that is already of the committee and then approved by the New England Conference.
Presently the chair of the committee is Reverend David Calhoun of the West Scarborough Methodist Church. Presently there are 13 members of the committee representing all areas of the Tri-State District. Walter Kimball from the Thornton Heights United Methodist Church is also on the committee. Most often when the committee meets it is at the Greenland United Methodist Church or at Eliot since they come closest to the middle of the district.
When I became a member of the committee I was told that it would meet two to four times during the year. Business has been such that since I became a member at the end of September we will have met three times before the middle of December. Well, some one was right! We will have met between 2 and 4 times by the end of this year.
Meetings to date have not been well attended. The type of work that we have been called together to do has been to advise District Superintendents Mike and Jan Davis on matters concerning their office staff in Lawrence and to hear about the work load that they have divided between them. We are presently in the process of developing and piloting a new evaluative tool to determine the effectiveness of the District Superintendents. This latter activity is what has taken the most time to date. No satisfactory evaluative tool has been in place prior to this time.
So far I have found the meetings rewarding including the ride to Eliot or Greenland with Reverend Calhoun on whatever night of the week we meet. I have also met some really great folks who are serving on this committee and who may have a really different perspective on matters than I do.
Art Tordoff
The Tri-State Superintendency Committee is similar to local church committees known Staff Parish Committees. It works as a liaison and advisory committee for the District Superintendents and the various parishes in the Tri-State District. In order to become a member it is necessary to be nominated by someone, usually that is already of the committee and then approved by the New England Conference.
Presently the chair of the committee is Reverend David Calhoun of the West Scarborough Methodist Church. Presently there are 13 members of the committee representing all areas of the Tri-State District. Walter Kimball from the Thornton Heights United Methodist Church is also on the committee. Most often when the committee meets it is at the Greenland United Methodist Church or at Eliot since they come closest to the middle of the district.
When I became a member of the committee I was told that it would meet two to four times during the year. Business has been such that since I became a member at the end of September we will have met three times before the middle of December. Well, some one was right! We will have met between 2 and 4 times by the end of this year.
Meetings to date have not been well attended. The type of work that we have been called together to do has been to advise District Superintendents Mike and Jan Davis on matters concerning their office staff in Lawrence and to hear about the work load that they have divided between them. We are presently in the process of developing and piloting a new evaluative tool to determine the effectiveness of the District Superintendents. This latter activity is what has taken the most time to date. No satisfactory evaluative tool has been in place prior to this time.
So far I have found the meetings rewarding including the ride to Eliot or Greenland with Reverend Calhoun on whatever night of the week we meet. I have also met some really great folks who are serving on this committee and who may have a really different perspective on matters than I do.
Art Tordoff
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Church Conference 2006

This year's church conference was a celebration of our ministry, but not only ministry from the past, a celebration of ministry that may be coming in the future.
We began conference with worshiping with the videos we use for The Gathering while SPRC met with DS Mike Davis. We then had a brief devotion about the people all around us that are wondering about the Gospel, just waiting for us to come along side and help. Mike gave his thanks for the work we have done increasing our payment of mission shares this year well above where we were last year. We voted on a 4% raise for the pastors considering no raise last year. We continued approval of Mike Gray's candidate for ministry. We also approved five Lay Speakers: Chris Ward, Merril Kaiser, Doug and Linda Greer and the new addition of Art Tordoff.
Mike added a new component to our conference with a slide presentation offering training on Natural Church Development. This is a program we will be considering in the coming year. It offers a means of collecting anual data on the balence of our ministries as well as resources for improving the area with the most needs. This builds on the Purpose Driven Life model that encouraged building up the weaker areas of our ministry by providing a means for annual measure and accountability.
This type of training will be part of our annual meeting. Please let the pastors or members of SPRC know if you have ideas for subjects you would like discussed. Thank you to all who facilitated or attended.
Budget, Finances and Pledging
Tudsday December 12th, we will be discussing the annual budget at council. All are welcome to attend and share your thoughts and prayers. The current budget predictions give us a $45,000 deficit for 2007. There are increases in payroll, conference expenses and utilities, but the largest area of concern is on the income side. We have budgeted for less income from fundrasisers and more importantly plan for more than $10,000 less in pledging this year.
If everyone at the church brought a full tithe (10% of income) to the church, it would greatly expand what we could do, covering our whole budget with pledging alone. This would take all pressure off of other fundraising and expand both our outreach into the community as well as our ability to care for members that might need financial help. Please pray for our church budget as we consider it on the 12th and also pray about your own stewardship. It is always possible to further raise pledges.
As to the long-term health of the church, I find that there is a greater sense of outreach than there was even a year ago. If we continue to increase our outreach both in missions and in basic care for our neighbors, I have no doubt the ministry will grow. I point this out, not because we are counting on increased numbers to save the finances of the church. Rather, as long as we have a vital ministry that reaches out to the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I trust God will provide what the ministry needs.
If everyone at the church brought a full tithe (10% of income) to the church, it would greatly expand what we could do, covering our whole budget with pledging alone. This would take all pressure off of other fundraising and expand both our outreach into the community as well as our ability to care for members that might need financial help. Please pray for our church budget as we consider it on the 12th and also pray about your own stewardship. It is always possible to further raise pledges.
As to the long-term health of the church, I find that there is a greater sense of outreach than there was even a year ago. If we continue to increase our outreach both in missions and in basic care for our neighbors, I have no doubt the ministry will grow. I point this out, not because we are counting on increased numbers to save the finances of the church. Rather, as long as we have a vital ministry that reaches out to the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I trust God will provide what the ministry needs.
Cluster Training January 6
Whether you are in a new post at Peoples, are serving in familiar territory or want to just seek out what is possible, please plan to come to Peoples on Saturday morning, January 6th for our cluster training event. There will be classes in finance, trustees, staff-parish relations, creative worship, outreach and more. This is an excellent time to learn from local clergy as well as each other.
Last year folks came from as far away as New Hampshire and Bath. There were more than fifty in attendance. The schedule will begin at 8:30 with coffee and snacks and a brief worship time and end with a gathering closing at noon. One brief morning is a great investment in future ministry at Peoples.
Last year folks came from as far away as New Hampshire and Bath. There were more than fifty in attendance. The schedule will begin at 8:30 with coffee and snacks and a brief worship time and end with a gathering closing at noon. One brief morning is a great investment in future ministry at Peoples.
Choir Bells Ringing at Peoples

The Peoples Bell Choir has started up under the co-leadership of Doug Greer and Becky Snoddy, and will be performing Christmas Eve. There's a good group already, but if you are still interested in joining up there may be room. Please contact Doug or Becky if interested.
Sunday School Thanksgiving

The Sunday School came together to host coffee fellowship the Sunday before Thanksgiving, including baking cookies and other goodies, making placemats for the tables, and creating a Thanksgiving Banner together. It was great fun for all, and Brad and Betsy Morrison were especially thankful for the break! Thanks to all the youth for making a difference in the life and ministry of Peoples Church.
Arts and Crafts Night Great Fun

Mark your calendars for the 3rd Thursday of each month if you enjoy any kind of arts or crafts. The prayer shawl ministry has been meeting during this time, but was recently expanded to include a larger group of folks who are making cards, scrap-booking, stamping and other artsy wonders.
There will be no group meeting in December (instead all are invited to a church Caroling Party!), but the Arts and Crafts group will be starting back up in January. Come on out!
Newest Member at Peoples

Wedding at Peoples

Pastor Gwyneth performed a recent wedding for a young couple from Portland, Nathan Sirois and Rebekah Pilling. Gwyneth has been meeting with the couple monthly since Spring for pre-marital counsling, which was a great experience for all of us. The pastors use the Prepare-Enrich relationship inventory to guide the couple through topics such as conflict resolution, family of origin issues, communication, roles, children and parenting, spiritual beliefs, sexual relationship, leisure activities and financial management. Through this process, couples learn about themselves and each other, the strengths of their relationship that will help see them through even in difficult times, and tools to discuss and work out differences in various areas. Rebekah and Nathan did homework together each month, including forming a budget, recording short and long term financial and life / family goals, and working through a conflict resolution process on various topics as they arose. The wedding itself took place on November 4 with reception at SMCC, and the couple has recently returned from their honeymoon in Hawaii. Best wishes to Rebekah and Nathan from Pastor Gwyneth and all of Peoples UMC.
SMCC Ministry
The Christian Study group at Southern Maine Community College led by Pastor Gwyneth has been small but powerful. We have been meeting at the 158 coffee house with just a handful of students. We start with some chat time in the beginning, and then delve into discussion of the book Velvet Elvis, Repainting the Christian Faith by Rob Bell. The students have all loved the book, and occasionally we have had some visitors pop in, one of whom was Muslim. We have recently moved the study to the college dining hall due to some scheduling conflicts at the coffee house, which may increase the group's visibility some as well. The group is determining how to procede next semester while Pastor Gwyneth is on maternity leave, but will most likely rotate leadership within the group and choose another book to study together. Please continue to keep this group in your prayers.
Peoples Roots and Other Links
Make sure to check out the lastest Peoples Roots collated by Art Tordoff by clicking on the link at the top, right of the blog (under "Links"). You can also find the church webpage and monthly church calendar (if you use Internet Explorer as your browser you may need to enlarge the image by clicking on it); December's calendar will be posted shortly. In addition, you may click on the "comment" button at the bottom of each article to discuss the topic or post a note of encouragment, question or loving disagreement.
As usual, please let us know if you have suggestions, revisions or questions about any of the links or blog content by emailing the pastors.
As usual, please let us know if you have suggestions, revisions or questions about any of the links or blog content by emailing the pastors.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Monthly Mission for December - Red Bird
The monthly mission for December is Red Bird mission, a non-profit agency located in the Appalachian mountains of Southeastern Kentucky. The organization's mission is to empower individuals and advocate justice by providing spiritual, educational, health, and community outreach ministries to area low-income residents, under the guideance of Jesus Christ. Red Bird Mission is an institution in the Red Bird Missionary Conference related to the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church.
The areas of ministry include education ( K-12 Christian School, residential dorms, early childhood development), health and wellness (medical and dental clinics and public health), community outreach (elderly and family ministries), economic opportunities (clothing and craft store), and community housing improvement (work camp, home repair, mission facilities). There are volunteer opportunities in each of these areas, as well as ways to support current missionaries.
History of the Mission - Submitted by Earle Harvey:
The Mission was founded in 1921 by the United Evangelical Church on a small piece of property at the confluence of Cow Fork and the Red Bird River in Bell County Kentucky. Under the leadership of Rev. John J. DeWall, Superintendent 1921-28, the school and church ministries were begun. Red Bird medical work began in 1922 and the first hospital opened in 1928. In 1946 the Evangelical Church united with the United Bretheren Churche forming the Evangelical United Bretheren Churches. Ministires to the community expanded during the first 40 years of operation to include a farm program, clothing ministries, and a Work Camp program. The hospital moved to the Queendale Campus in 1959.
In 1968 the Evangelical United Brethren Churches united with the Methodist Church to form the United Methodist Church. The community outreach ministries have grown to be a significant part of the overall ministries in recent years. The clothing and craft ministries increased in scope after moving into the current facilities on Queendale Center. The craft program has grown in recent years through in-church craft fairs. The ministries to the elderly and families of the community flourished in the 1990's. The DeWall Senior Citizen Center started operations in 1991 and the Red Bird Elderly Housing apartments were opened in 1996. In 1997, new family health programs were begun. The Work Camp program has grown to over 2700 participants annually.
The areas of ministry include education ( K-12 Christian School, residential dorms, early childhood development), health and wellness (medical and dental clinics and public health), community outreach (elderly and family ministries), economic opportunities (clothing and craft store), and community housing improvement (work camp, home repair, mission facilities). There are volunteer opportunities in each of these areas, as well as ways to support current missionaries.
History of the Mission - Submitted by Earle Harvey:
The Mission was founded in 1921 by the United Evangelical Church on a small piece of property at the confluence of Cow Fork and the Red Bird River in Bell County Kentucky. Under the leadership of Rev. John J. DeWall, Superintendent 1921-28, the school and church ministries were begun. Red Bird medical work began in 1922 and the first hospital opened in 1928. In 1946 the Evangelical Church united with the United Bretheren Churche forming the Evangelical United Bretheren Churches. Ministires to the community expanded during the first 40 years of operation to include a farm program, clothing ministries, and a Work Camp program. The hospital moved to the Queendale Campus in 1959.
In 1968 the Evangelical United Brethren Churches united with the Methodist Church to form the United Methodist Church. The community outreach ministries have grown to be a significant part of the overall ministries in recent years. The clothing and craft ministries increased in scope after moving into the current facilities on Queendale Center. The craft program has grown in recent years through in-church craft fairs. The ministries to the elderly and families of the community flourished in the 1990's. The DeWall Senior Citizen Center started operations in 1991 and the Red Bird Elderly Housing apartments were opened in 1996. In 1997, new family health programs were begun. The Work Camp program has grown to over 2700 participants annually.
Kay Robinson, Beloved and Remembered

Good $ense Financial Program
Good $ence Program Coming To Peoples
Peoples United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Foundation will be jointly sponsoring the Good $ence Personal Financial Management Course on the evening of February 23 and Saturday, February 24, 2007 in Ellis Hall. The Friday session will begin at 7:00 PM and conclude at 9:00 PM. The Saturday session, which is a continuation of the Friday introduction will run from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Costs for participants will be $17.00 and will include the provided book, refreshments on Friday evening and Saturday morning and a meal at noon on Saturday.
In the course you will learn to honor God in your finances by becoming a:
Diligent Learner Generous Giver Wise Saver
Cautious Debtor Prudent Consumer
You will:
Develop a Spending Plan
Learn how to implement your Spending plan
Acquire the motivation to follow through with it
You will need to: Do some work with pre-course materials. All of the pre-work will be confidential and you will not be asked to share it with anyone else.
It will be helpful if you register early.
Registration should include the following information:
Name of participant(s). Addresses and e-mail if available. A check made out to Peoples United Methodist Church, 310 Broadway, South Portland, Me. 04106.
Check for $17.
In order to provide participants with pre-course work sheet materials we need to hear from you by January 31, 2007. In order to guaruntee a text for you we need to hear from you by February 12, 2007. Final registration without guaruntee of materials should be received no later than February 19, 2007.
Peoples United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Foundation will be jointly sponsoring the Good $ence Personal Financial Management Course on the evening of February 23 and Saturday, February 24, 2007 in Ellis Hall. The Friday session will begin at 7:00 PM and conclude at 9:00 PM. The Saturday session, which is a continuation of the Friday introduction will run from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Costs for participants will be $17.00 and will include the provided book, refreshments on Friday evening and Saturday morning and a meal at noon on Saturday.
In the course you will learn to honor God in your finances by becoming a:
Diligent Learner Generous Giver Wise Saver
Cautious Debtor Prudent Consumer
You will:
Develop a Spending Plan
Learn how to implement your Spending plan
Acquire the motivation to follow through with it
You will need to: Do some work with pre-course materials. All of the pre-work will be confidential and you will not be asked to share it with anyone else.
It will be helpful if you register early.
Registration should include the following information:
Name of participant(s). Addresses and e-mail if available. A check made out to Peoples United Methodist Church, 310 Broadway, South Portland, Me. 04106.
Check for $17.
In order to provide participants with pre-course work sheet materials we need to hear from you by January 31, 2007. In order to guaruntee a text for you we need to hear from you by February 12, 2007. Final registration without guaruntee of materials should be received no later than February 19, 2007.
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