Saturday, October 15, 2016

Peoples UMC Men IN Action

Peoples UMC Men IN Action
Removal of old folding wall

Temporary parlor in Ellis Hall
Dick and Dave working the ceiling
Ceiling exposed
After the UMM Men’s Breakfast on Saturday October 8, 8 of the men went to the parlor in Ellis Hall to continue the work of dismantling the folding wall between the parlor and the children’s room. The work had begun with Dick Small getting the supplies for a new ceiling and the installation of a new permanent wall separating the two sections. The previous day Dick and Dave Bruneau along with their wives, Shari and Carol respectively had moved the furniture out of the parlor and arranged it nicely in the open space of Ellis Hall. The men who gave at least two to three hours each included Dick Small, Bob Knopp, Tom Nelson, Dick Miller, Merrill Kaiser, Tom Frey and Art Tordoff. Seeing the number ready to work, Art left the group and mowed the lawns around the church.
Brad, Cick and Tom

Brad cleans up
An invitation was put out by Dick to join him on Sunday afternoon, Monday or Tuesday. By the time the crew appeared on Tuesday the old wall had been removed, studding put up and dry wall hung on both sides of the wall. Additionally all seams had been mudded and some of the ceiling grids mounted and 2’ X 4’ grids placed.

On Tuesday Dick, Dave, Brad Morrison, Tom Nelson and Art got down to work about 9 AM. All of the grid work and tiles on the parlor were prepared, cut for the lighting and placed. Both sides of the wall were sanded down to make them smooth and Brad and Tom reworked the grids and recentered the lighting on the children’s side after most of the materials and furniture in that area were moved out.
Wall and Ceiling on Children's side

On Thursday Dick worked on the wall so that it would be prepared for painting while Art with vacuum and cleaning supplies in hand went to work in doing a good cleaning on the furniture that had been removed from the parlor including the rug. All of the children’s furniture is also in Ellis Hall and could stand a good wash down before the children’s room is ready to be moved into.

Tom calls glass company
While the work was not finished on the above days there still is a need for men to assist in the washing and cleaning of the children’s furniture, the installation of grid work and tiles on the children’s side, washing of the walls and painting of the walls without the hand print rainbow. As of Thursday the parlor still would need to have clean walls and paint as well as the floor washed. Anyone with time available should contact Dick Small about what you might be able to offer in time and talent.

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