Monday, October 31, 2016

Mystery Ride

Preparing for the ride
On Sunday, October 30 Dan and Ruth Doughty planned a Mystery Ride with secret destination for those that had the time and would like to join others in a fun activity.  The event began around 11:30 am. Only a few folks participated, but it certainly was a good time. While a camera was carried on the route there was no time to take pictures. Some of the questions that the drivers and riders were given are included below. How would you have fared?  Those in attendance were Dan and Ruth with help from Rosemary setting the directions followed by the cars of Keith and Becky Snoddy, Dick and Shari Small, Tom and Barbara Nelson and Art and Marlene Tordoff.
Lunch after the ride

What a ride!
Last to arrive
We were asked to keep our mileage and the time from start to finish. Additionally we were asked questions about what date could we find on the Coast Guard sign and the street that it was on. What are the office hours at Riverview Apartments and what is hanging on the shed at 155 High Street? Street names were not given and only left and right directions were used to follow the route that would take us into Loveitt’s Field across the line into Cape Elizabeth and a long a circuitous route as we approached South Portland on Mitchell Road. Later we found Trout Brook, New England Bible College, the visiting hours at Hinckley Park. We found boats, pumpkins and scarecrows in our guidelines and low and behold our final destination was Ellis Hall where we had begun. Dick and Shari while not the first to leave were the first back, followed by Keith and Becky and two granddaughters, then Art and Marlene who had been the first to leave and finally after everyone else had finished lunch Tom and Barbara arrived. A good time was had by all who participated. We hope that others might be encouraged to take some time next year to join us for a great time for church folks to get together.

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