Monday, October 31, 2016

Parlor Renovations Complete

Parlor Renovations Complete
Removing folding wall
Weatherizing and resetting ceiling

John and Dick cutting ceiling tile
Parlor with ceiling and one painted wall
During the month of October a project to renovate the Ellis Hall Parlor was supported through funds provided by the Tuesday Morning Bible Study and the Peoples United Methodist Men. Noticing that the ceiling tiles needed to be replaced and that the folding door dividing the parlor from the children’s room was collecting mold it was suggested that the changes necessary to revive both rooms should be undertaken. Shari and Dick Small spearheaded the work with a number of others pitching in. The ceilings in both areas were removed and replaced with new 2’ by 4’ panels and a new permanent wall of dry wall was erected. Several men including Dick Small, Dick Miller, Brad Morrison, John Tardy, Tom Nelson, Bob Knopp, Keith Snoddy, Dave Bruneau, Pastor Tom Frey, Tom Herd, and Art Tordoff were engaged in the work, clean-up and or placing furniture placed back in the rooms when the job was finished. Also present at the time when items were being placed back in the room and following a schema that had been prepared by Shari were Rosemary Herd, Carol Bruneau and Becky Snoddy.
Setting ceiling tile and grids
Brad cleans up

Jan, Nancy and Marlene enjoy new parlor
Soothing walls and light
Redone children's room
With the work completed we need to commend all of the folks that worked so well together and to show what the completed rooms look like. We take pleasure in showing especially the rooms that are ready for occupancy for classes and meetings for all ages. The Children’s Rooms and Nursery are especially appealing and we would hope and pray that the children that use them will grow in number and be willing to share in their education of the Bible and of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We appreciate the work of Rosemary, Amy Wellington, Betty Smith and Chris Tardy along with others who have devoted time to teaching and being ready to accommodate young people.
Children's room and nursery


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