Friday, July 15, 2016

PUMC Garden Party

July Garden Party
On Monday, July 11 the PUMC Garden Party was held at the home and yard of the Gays. Beginning around 4 PM people began gathering at this location to take a tour of a surprisingly large yard filled with shrubs, perennials and annual flowers. Doreen guided many around the yard while Alan entertained folks as they arrived on the patio and back deck of the house.

Before five pm 19 people had arrived, toured and had a good time talking with others as they arrived. Sitting and/or standing in groups that kept shifting from place to place many conversations were held about a variety of topics, some actually on what they had seen around the yard.

What a great afternoon and evening was spent in the sun with shade covering most of the yard by the time we had sat down to eat after a prayer offered by Doreen.

Appetizers and iced tea were available early. By 5:30 PM sandwiches, salads, and drinks were made available as well as fresh strawberries and pound cake with whipped cream for dessert. Conversations continued well beyond the 7 PM hour for those who remained until the very end.

Those in attendance included Doreen and Alan, Lin and Judy, Sharon and Paul, Wendy and Peter, Keith and Becky, Art and Marlene, Betty, Barbara, Carol, Kathy, Jody, Jan, and Pam B.

All of us in attendance thank the Gays for hosting this event for a wonderful time with members of our church family.


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