Peoples United Methodist Church, 310 Broadway, South Portland, ME Worshipping Sundays at 10am. Please join us!
Advent is a time of anticipation, waiting expectantly for something good to happen. And we know it is something good because it is to come from God. We read in the Old Testament the prophets’ words that a Savior would come and the Israelites waited for that promise of light to be fulfilled during some very dark times.
We know that promise was fulfilled in the coming of Jesus and we celebrate that fulfillment at Christmas. The season of Advent is an invitation to experience the sense of anticipation that precedes the coming of Christ.
Taking secular music and offering it with a spiritual understanding is nothing new. A recent example is in the movie Sister Act, where many Motown tunes are sung to the glory of God.
With that in mind, during this season of Advent, my mind turns to the musical West Side Story and the Sondheim/Bernstein song “Something’s Coming.”
Could be. Who knows?
There's something due any day
I will know right away
Soon as it shows
It may come cannonballin' down through the sky
Gleam in its eye
Bright as a rose! Who knows?
It's only just out of reach
Down the block, on a beach
Under a tree
I got a feeling there's a miracle due
Gonna come true
Coming to me
Could it be?
Yes it could
Something's coming
Something good
If I can wait
Something's coming I don't know what it is
But it is
Gonna be great!
With a click
With a shock
Phone'll jingle
Door'll knock
Open the latch!
Something's coming, don't know when
But it's soon
Catch the moon
One handed catch
Around the corner
Or whistling down the river
Come on - deliver
To me
Will it be? Yes it will
Maybe just by holding still
It'll be there!
Come on, something, come on in
Don't be shy
Meet a guy
Pull up a chair
The air is hummin'
And something great is coming
Who knows
It's only just
Out of reach
Down the block, on a beach
Maybe tonight
Maybe tonight...
--From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/w/west-side-story-lyrics/somethings-coming-lyrics.html
My prayer for this Advent season is that we take time to make our hearts ready to receive Christ. Christ is coming and that is good!
As I sat at my daughter’s wedding a few days ago, I began to reflect on the milestones of our lives—those moments that clearly designate a significant change in our lives. When we pass a milestone, life can never be the same. We all have moments like that.
Sometimes those moments are the result of circumstances beyond our control—such as an unexpected death of a loved one. Other times, we are not aware of their significance until sometime later-- when I took a job at a summer stock company in Waterville over 25 years ago I thought it was just another job. I didn’t know I would meet Kelly Nelson and find the love of my life.
But we actually have control over most of our lives milestones—they are the result of our choices, decisions and actions. God gifted us with a free will that allows us to determine and create milestones at any time. I believe God wants us to do just that because in creating milestones, we are choosing to move out of our comfort zone; choosing to risk; choosing to trust in God’s promise to provide for our needs. Milestones can bring us closer to God.
I urge each of us to take some time in the coming days and reflect; prayerfully discern where we are and where God may be calling us to be. Let us intentionally create a moment that clearly designates where we are from where we are going. Let’s have a milestone of faith that brings us to new understandings of service and love. Let’s have a point in time that we can point to and say, “That’s the moment I chose to move closer to God.”
I remember back in the seventies when the twin towers were being built. It was not universally desired that they be constructed—petitions to stop the project were circulated, traditionalists were concerned about the status of the Empire State Building, nearby residents were concerned about the shadow cast by the towers. But they were built and soon became an everyday part of life in a city that is noted for always changing.
I remember going to the towers because there was a TKTS booth inside (where you could purchase half-price theater tickets.) It was the only indoor TKTS booth in New York and was great when it was raining.
I remember taking Patsy and Irene to New York in the summer of 2000. We didn’t visit the Twin Towers, but went to the top of the Empire State Building and viewed them from that vantage point.
I was serving as Election Warden in the town of Mount Vernon when the planes struck. Being at the polls the information came in bits and pieces until a television was brought in and we saw for ourselves. I remember trying to call New York, trying to locate those I knew who were supposed to be there that day. I remember in the many days following hearing names of those I didn’t know were there—names I hadn’t thought of in years became etched in my mind.
Here we are. A decade has passed. Much has changed, but much has not.
We were talking about this upcoming anniversary at our Cluster meeting the other day and the cries of don’t forget.
“Don’t forget.” The words have a connotation of desire for revenge; of I’m going to make you pay. So I choose to Remember. Re-member. Finding a way of coming together, a way of building up from the rubble. There we will find God.
“Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.”—Psalm 42:11 (NIV)
Coming to Peoples has changed a lot for me and Tom, pushing us to connect with new and different ways of doing things. I have spent most of my life in rural areas, so living in the "big city" is a huge change for me. I'm used to small town, small school, lots of space. This summer has been an awakening for us--some of it really positive, other parts of it not so comfortable. God has been in all of it.
The following is from a blog called Awake in the World by Debra Moffitt, published on beliefnet.com. It connects quite well with Tom's previous blog entry. What do you think?
Blessings to all, Kelly:))
Comfort can be a trap. It’s not because we’re comfortable with things that they’re necessarily good for us. One may get used to a shoe that rubs the foot or a bad smell, but that doesn’t make it good or right. When we’re truly dedicated to pursuing a spiritual life the universe conspires to accelerate our growth. Often this means being prepared for big changes that move us out of our comfort zone. Seeking comfort and security can be a trap. We opt for the decisions that appear safe rather than the ones that are right for us. Staying with a mate for financial reasons, holding onto to costly possessions, sticking to habits that may be detrimental, but are familiar, are a few of of the comfort traps.
A dream summed up comfort for me. In the dream I walk into my apartment with a light-filled guide – a higher, wiser part of myself. We’re standing at the top of some stairs looking into it. The room is a mess. It’s drab, dark and dingy. Chairs are overturned and papers are strewn about. Later I return with the guide who shows me the same place only this time it is perfectly clean and tidy. A round table stands in the center with a crystal vase full of roses. Light streams in from above. The chairs are set up as if waiting for a symphony to come in. It’s a beautiful makeover. I turn to the guide and say, “I liked it better the other way.” When I awoke, I had an ah-ha moment. I didn’t really like it the other way, I just felt comfortable with the mess. The mess had become a habit. The dream represented my inner life and the new, clean space represented the transformations coming through meditation and inner work.
Dare to explore the areas of your life that have become comfort zones and examine what’s really good for you. Look at where it will be helpful to move into new, unexplored territory. Sometimes we stay in relationships and jobs out of comfort though they may be stifling us. Even birds that learn to fly have to make a leap of faith the first time.
“The most damaging phrase in the language is: 'It's always been done that way'."
--Grace Murray Hopper
It has been a summer of firsts. My initial weeks here at Peoples have been a series of benchmarks—opportunities to accomplish things I‘ve never attempted before. I was hesitant at first to participate, but I took a chance.
This was the first time I ever flew a kite. Now, I have been told to go fly a kite on numerous occasions, but this was the first time I actually had one attached to a string and tried to get it airborne. Notice I said “tried.” Despite numerous efforts to tug, pull and run, the kite never stayed afloat for more than a few seconds. The movie Mary Poppins made it look much easier. While my kite may have failed in its flight, I met some people (all willing to offer kite advice), got some exercise and gave several people some slapstick entertainment. I may have planned to fly a kite, but God had other plans and it was all good.
This summer was also the first time I ever steered a boat and though I still confuse starboard and port, we avoided any accidents on the water. (Wes, Betty, Tom, Barbara and Kelly demonstrated true courage when I took the wheel—they didn’t even cringe; at least, I didn’t notice if they did.)
Essentially, I learned I am not the best kite flyer in Maine, nor will I win any awards for my boating prowess. But I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone on both occasions. I learned a few things, gave some observers something to talk about at the dinner table and actually enjoyed the experience.
The prophet Isaiah tells us that God is always making things new. Each day is a new start, a new beginning. God’s creation continues to move forward. Are we willing to get out of our own way and move forward with God, or will we be the biggest impediment on the journey? Can we open ourselves to truly believe that with God all things are possible? I am looking forward to what the fall brings.
One of the most important journeys many of us take is the one that takes us through school. It can be a time of challenges, of fear, of uncertainty. So, it is a good time to reflect and remember we do not journey alone.
On August 28, Peoples UMC will join with many other churches throughout the country and celebrate the start of this school year with a Blessing of the Backpacks. This will be an opportunity for all God’s children to bring their backpacks and school supplies to worship and join in a special blessing.
We will also include a blessing for backpacks and school supplies which have been collected to be donated to schools for those in need. If you would like to help with this effort, please bring them to Peoples on or before Sunday, August 28.
We invite all children, youth and families to bring your backpacks and school supplies to Peoples UMC at 10 am on August 28 and join in a new start for the upcoming school year!
So, I’m driving around South Portland the other day, trying to find a specific place when I notice that I am lost. Not surprising with my sense of direction and not surprising that I left on this adventure without the new GPS device. What was surprising, though, is when I came upon a building I recognized.
You see, a few days earlier Tom Nelson was kind enough to give Kelly and me a tour of the area. There was a lot of ground covered and a lot of information shared. So much in fact that I was not sure how much of it I would actually remember.
But, here I was, hopelessly adrift, when I saw this building and all that Tom had said about it came flooding back and I was able to find my way again (for that trip anyway).
It’s funny how we never know what we will remember until the time comes when we do.
The Word is like that. We receive it, sometimes with deliberate intention, other times seemingly half listening. Sometimes we feel it doesn’t relate to us or we cannot fully grasp what is being offered and then something happens and it all comes flooding back to us with an understanding we may not have had before. It can be startling not only what we remember, but how we remember it.
We find that is true with the children. We often wonder just how much of a worship service, Sunday School class, youth group gathering, VBS week is actually sinking in and, more times than not, we are surprised days or weeks later when we hear words reflected back to us that shows not only remembering, but understanding.
It happens to us much the same way and why not—after all, we are all God’s children.
My prayer is we remain open to the Spirit, be patient with each other, and come to see and understand the blessings that are found in each opportunity.
Jesus sent his twelve harvest hands out with this charge:
"Don't begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don't try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously". –Matthew 10:5-8 (The Message)
Our work details were even more varied than last year. There was the usual bulk mailing and assisting around the office where necessary. There was no work in the Sumac problem areas. This year our projects included lawn mowing, weeding, trimming trees and shrubs. Other opportunities included moving furniture and repairing wheelbarrows. Fred started training on some of the Computer related tasks that Gwyneth and Jamie were doing(such as updating the blog) and is training for Mission Trip Administration.
We are Chaperoning a field trip this afternoon to a Potato Chip factory and a Zoo today and taking a tour of Wilmington and all the Urban Promise Centers tomorrow. We are hosting a Pizza Party for the Staff and Street leaders tomorrow night.
There has been a Gospel Band practicing next door to our house from 7PM to 9PM several nights a week this year and last year. It has been enjoyable just listening from next door, we were invited over so stopped in on Rehearsal. We had a wonderful time and thanked them for sharing their talents.