Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's go fly a kite

“The most damaging phrase in the language is: 'It's always been done that way'."

--Grace Murray Hopper

It has been a summer of firsts. My initial weeks here at Peoples have been a series of benchmarks—opportunities to accomplish things I‘ve never attempted before. I was hesitant at first to participate, but I took a chance.

This was the first time I ever flew a kite. Now, I have been told to go fly a kite on numerous occasions, but this was the first time I actually had one attached to a string and tried to get it airborne. Notice I said “tried.” Despite numerous efforts to tug, pull and run, the kite never stayed afloat for more than a few seconds. The movie Mary Poppins made it look much easier. While my kite may have failed in its flight, I met some people (all willing to offer kite advice), got some exercise and gave several people some slapstick entertainment. I may have planned to fly a kite, but God had other plans and it was all good.

This summer was also the first time I ever steered a boat and though I still confuse starboard and port, we avoided any accidents on the water. (Wes, Betty, Tom, Barbara and Kelly demonstrated true courage when I took the wheel—they didn’t even cringe; at least, I didn’t notice if they did.)

Essentially, I learned I am not the best kite flyer in Maine, nor will I win any awards for my boating prowess. But I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone on both occasions. I learned a few things, gave some observers something to talk about at the dinner table and actually enjoyed the experience.

The prophet Isaiah tells us that God is always making things new. Each day is a new start, a new beginning. God’s creation continues to move forward. Are we willing to get out of our own way and move forward with God, or will we be the biggest impediment on the journey? Can we open ourselves to truly believe that with God all things are possible? I am looking forward to what the fall brings.



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