Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I once was lost, but now I'm found...

So, I’m driving around South Portland the other day, trying to find a specific place when I notice that I am lost. Not surprising with my sense of direction and not surprising that I left on this adventure without the new GPS device. What was surprising, though, is when I came upon a building I recognized.

You see, a few days earlier Tom Nelson was kind enough to give Kelly and me a tour of the area. There was a lot of ground covered and a lot of information shared. So much in fact that I was not sure how much of it I would actually remember.

But, here I was, hopelessly adrift, when I saw this building and all that Tom had said about it came flooding back and I was able to find my way again (for that trip anyway).

It’s funny how we never know what we will remember until the time comes when we do.

The Word is like that. We receive it, sometimes with deliberate intention, other times seemingly half listening. Sometimes we feel it doesn’t relate to us or we cannot fully grasp what is being offered and then something happens and it all comes flooding back to us with an understanding we may not have had before. It can be startling not only what we remember, but how we remember it.

We find that is true with the children. We often wonder just how much of a worship service, Sunday School class, youth group gathering, VBS week is actually sinking in and, more times than not, we are surprised days or weeks later when we hear words reflected back to us that shows not only remembering, but understanding.

It happens to us much the same way and why not—after all, we are all God’s children.

My prayer is we remain open to the Spirit, be patient with each other, and come to see and understand the blessings that are found in each opportunity.

Jesus sent his twelve harvest hands out with this charge:

"Don't begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don't try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously". –Matthew 10:5-8 (The Message)



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