Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Pastor Appointed to Peoples Announced

Pastors Jamie and Gwyneth are being reappointed as of July 1. You can read more about the Arrisons new appointment here.  On Sunday, May 21, the new pastor was announced who has been appointed to Peoples. Our SPRC Chair, Keith Snoddy writes the following:

On this past Saturday, May 21, the Staff Parish Relations Committee met with our District Superintendent, Mike Davis, to meet our new pastor, Tom Frey. After meeting and interviewing Tom It was the consensus opinion of SPRC that Tom is a good fit for Peoples. The following is a brief bio about him:

Pastor Tom Frey has lived in Maine for 25 years, having been born in Brooklyn and raised in New York. His wife Kelly is a high school Spanish teacher and they have two daughters Patsy (age 21) and Irene (age 18).

He is a second career pastor, having worked in the entertainment field and as a writer in the past. He has degrees in Theater Arts, English, a Master’s of Divinity and has done master’s work in secondary education. Peoples is his third appointment, having served churches in West Cumberland and Richmond.

Having a strong commitment to Christ, Tom loves working with children and youth and is passionate about preaching God’s love and bringing that love everywhere and to everyone possible. He believes that church is about what we do and not where we meet.

An additional announcement is that as a result of Tom's appointment to Peoples we will be getting a new DS. This is because Tom's daughter Patsy will be marrying one of Mike's sons in September this year. Conference rules do not allow a DS to supervise a family member so we will get a new DS with this appointment, Our new DS will be Beverly Stenmark who is the current DS for the Mid Maine district.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me or any other member of SPRC. The members are: Jason House, Betty Lane, Barb Nelson, Tom Nelson, Sally Smith and Chris Ward.

In Christian service together,
Keith Snoddy - Chairman SPRC

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