Ben Galvez, owner of Express Painting, was hired to do some long over due touch ups on the parsonage. We had areas on the exterior first floor that were peeling badly and even with all our good intentions, the trustees could not get to the job themselves. Ben and his crew arrived just in time seasonally speaking, they scraped, prepped where needed, and applied two finish coats of paint. The same was done to the trim, but only in limited areas. There is still much work that needs to
be done to our parsonage and garage, which is well over a hundred years old. The trustees are committed to preserving and caring for this wonderful home as best we can, but as you can imagine, it is very expensive to do.

The Trustees also ha
d Ben and crew scrap, prime, and put two finish coats on the breezeway windows, which have needed paint longer than I can remember! The crew inspected all of the windows and door frames of the church and touched those up as well. We're pleased to have this job completed and our beautiful stained glass windows preserved.

If you have a passion for painting and time to give, the trustees can always use your help as we personally take on many of the painting jobs needed inside and outside of our buildings. Please contact a trustee if this is your gift!
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