Friday, October 29, 2010

Gently Used Clothing and Other Donations!

Submitted by Sue Angell
Gently Used clothing was collected during worship 10/24 as part 2 of our Stewardship Sermon Series.  Rather than discard in the trash such clothing no longer worn by us, we wanted to donated it first to people of the congregation that know a needy family that could use them or recycle such clothing for ourselves that we might need.  If you have not had an opportunity to look at what was collected, they are in clearly marked boxes in Ellis hall which is open during the morning Thursday, Friday and of course Sunday 10/31.  All items still in the boxes on the Root Cellar day the it is open for donations, items will be brought to them. Since most of the clothing is career apparel and not active wear and the Root Cellar assists people working or seeking jobs by assisting them with the proper clothing, this seemed like a good idea by the Stewardship Committee. So take a minute to look over the items to see if there is something you or someone you know can use.

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