What a day this was. Raining and chilly! Nonetheless, our people gathered at Pe
oples UMC for Spring Cleani
ng. According to Rosemary, 26 people, and there were almost as many men as women! For those who rose early, at 7:30 there was a blue berry pancake, bacon and sausage breakfast cooked by our chef, Brad and his cohorts. Delicious. We then broke into groups to do many tasks. The biggest two were to clean windows and wash down thoroughly the many, many, white tables we use for bean dinners, Sunday School and just about everything. The totally icky janitor’s closet, the kitchen, ceiling tiles, problem door, leaking bathroom toilet and the children’s nursery were some of the others th
at various people felt called to care for. When we were done, every window possible sparkled. They were so clean when done it was amazing and the church was filled with light. The tables were cleaned and sanitized from top to bottom with detailed scrubbing
and any that were wobbly, repaired. Every chair now has a foot cap. The nursery, walls, windows and toys were squeaky cleaned. The kitchen gleamed. The janitor’s closet is no longer a scary place to enter. The stockade fence units at the parsonage were taken down. Ceiling panels were replaced, etc. The 26 of us went home tired and achy but satisfied that our labor was well worth the effort for the church we love. Best of all, it was elbow to elbow fellowship and we had FUN. In addition, t
he la
wn had been mowed by Chuck on Saturday and the garden really looks lovely in bloom this spring from the efforts of the garden group's diligent care.

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