Monday, May 17, 2010

Small Steps to Stewardship

Small Steps to Stewardship pledge cards will be collected on Sunday, June 6 during worship. This is a wonderful opportunity to take a step of faith and make a real difference. Will you consider making a new commitment to your church family for the remainder of 2010? Here is a summary of the pledge card options. Please contact Kathy Brann if you would like a card mailed to you, or you may print off the Small Steps Pledge Card here, which also includes a helpful chart to calculate a percentage of your giving.

Small Steps to Stewardship, Spring 2010
Peoples United Methodist Church
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” – 2 Corinthians 5:7

I will joyfully take the next step in my faith commitment! Please circle all that apply

 Take a key step to pray daily / weekly for the financial and spiritual life of our church
 Take a first step to begin pledging to the church in the amount of $_________per week
 Take the next step to calculate the percentage of income I am giving (chart on reverse)
 Take a big step to pledge to give an additional $5/week $10/week $20/week Other $______________ for the remainder of the year, working toward tithing at 10% and beyond
 Take a technological step to help the church and “go green” by giving through Direct Deposit
 Go a second mile and contribute to the July Mission Trip $__________ or Conference Mission Shares $__________ or Vacation Bible Camp $__________
 March to a different drummer and make a financial commitment not listed here!

Name(s)____________________________________________ Date_____________________
Address _______________________________________________

This is an amazing opportunity to take a step closer to God and make a real difference.
Commitment Sunday will take place June 6. Please place this card in the offering, or mail to:
Kathy Brann, Financial Secretary, Peoples UMC 310 Broadway South Portland, ME 04106.

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