Friday, May 21, 2010

Bathing our Mission Trip in Prayer

You may not be GOING on the mission trip, but those who stay behind are just as important! You are the folks who have made it possible for us to go, so far through your financial support, and you can continue to be a vital part of our team through PRAYER.

Peoples UMC is sending out its first mission team outside of the state of Maine July 11-17. We are going to Wilmington, Delaware through Urban Promise, and our work will include ministering with children through an urban Christian camp, and doing light work projects around the city.

Here are some of the ways you can be in prayer, and participate in the work God is doing:

1. Pray each week over our mission team concerns as we prepare to embark on our first mission trip at Peoples UMC. We will be lifting up a prayer concern each week about specific needs of the team. If you would like to be added to the email prayer chain please contact Sue Angell and you can receive these by email along with the others lifted up Sunday morning during worship.

2. Sign up for an hour "slice" on our mission week prayer wheel. Times available include 7/11-7/17 8am-4pm each day. The itinerary of the group will be noted on each slice, so for instance if you select 7/11 at 10am we will be "on the road" and if you select 7/12 at 10am we will be working with children at the kids camp. Pray where you happen to be, and lift up the group several times during the hour if you are not able to spend the entire hour in prayer. See Betty Lane to sign up for a slot!

3. Volunteer to be a Prayer Buddy for one member of our mission team. We will have photos available of each member, and you will covenant to be in prayer for this person during the entire week of the mission trip. Those going include: Earle Harvey, Ellen Dunn, Isaac Dunn, Nathan Dunn, Fred Wade and Pastor Gwyneth.

4. Attend the Commissioning Service during which we will pray over and anoint each mission team member to be "sent forth" into the mission field. Most likely this will take place early on the morning the team leaves. Stay tuned for more details.

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