Monday, May 31, 2010
Parade Mission Outreach!

You may view the entire Memorial Day Parade Photo Album here.
Baptism Celebration!

Parents: Andy and Teresa
Siblings: Anna and Drew
Godparents: Tim and MaryAnn
Parents: Jeff and Jill
Parents: Jason and Mary
Sibling: Ian
Parents: Jason and Mary
Sibling: Eliza
Parents: Martin and Catherine
Sibling: Margaret
We welcome each of these children as Preparatory members at Peoples United Methodist Church, and now have the joy and awesome responsibility to prepare these children to make their own personal commitment to becoming disciples of Jesus Christ!
You may view the Baptism Photo Album here.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Peoples First Plant Sale
Peoples Church hosted our first ever Plant Sale with all proceeds going to world missions through our Conference Mission Shares. The event was a huge success, with great fellowship, community outreach as well as fundraising. Thank you to all who planned, donated plants and helped out at the sale!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Fun Newcomer Gathering
Friday, May 28, 2010
Elegant Bridal Show!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Coffee Fellowship
During the summer we hope to host a few times of fellowship with lemonade and snacks outside after worship. If you would like to host one of these, please contact the pastors. Stay tuned for dates.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Spring Cleaning Day - WOW WOW WOW WOW!
Submitted by Susan Angell Pictures by Art Tordoff
What a day this was. Raining and chilly! Nonetheless, our people gathered at Pe
oples UMC for Spring Cleani
ng. According to Rosemary, 26 people, and there were almost as many men as women! For those who rose early, at 7:30 there was a blue berry pancake, bacon and sausage breakfast cooked by our chef, Brad and his cohorts. Delicious. We then broke into groups to do many tasks. The biggest two were to clean windows and wash down thoroughly the many, many, white tables we use for bean dinners, Sunday School and just about everything. The totally icky janitor’s closet, the kitchen, ceiling tiles, problem door, leaking bathroom toilet and the children’s nursery were some of the others th
at various people felt called to care for. When we were done, every window possible sparkled. They were so clean when done it was amazing and the church was filled with light. The tables were cleaned and sanitized from top to bottom with detailed scrubbing
and any that were wobbly, repaired. Every chair now has a foot cap. The nursery, walls, windows and toys were squeaky cleaned. The kitchen gleamed. The janitor’s closet is no longer a scary place to enter. The stockade fence units at the parsonage were taken down. Ceiling panels were replaced, etc. The 26 of us went home tired and achy but satisfied that our labor was well worth the effort for the church we love. Best of all, it was elbow to elbow fellowship and we had FUN. In addition, t
he la
wn had been mowed by Chuck on Saturday and the garden really looks lovely in bloom this spring from the efforts of the garden group's diligent care.

Monday, May 24, 2010
Parsonage Inspection
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Spaghetti Lunch Mission Trip Benefit
Suggested donation is $5/person and additional donations will be graciously accepted! 100% of profits from the lunch after reimbursement of expenses will go toward mission trip expenses for the team. We hope you can attend! If you are unable to attend, another opportunity for you to be involved in this meaningful mission is to donate food items for the meal -a list is posted in the back of the church sanctuary . Please contact Betty Lane, or any member of the mission team for more info.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
May Day Gifts!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Bathing our Mission Trip in Prayer
You may not be GOING on the mission trip, but those who stay behind are just as important! You are the folks who have made it possible for us to go, so far through your financial support, and you can continue to be a vital part of our team through PRAYER.
Peoples UMC is sending out its first mission team outside of the state of Maine July 11-17. We are going to Wilmington, Delaware through Urban Promise, and our work will include ministering with children through an urban Christian camp, and doing light work projects around the city.
Here are some of the ways you can be in prayer, and participate in the work God is doing:
1. Pray each week over our mission team concerns as we prepare to embark on our first mission trip at Peoples UMC. We will be lifting up a prayer concern each week about specific needs of the team. If you would like to be added to the email prayer chain please contact Sue Angell and you can receive these by email along with the others lifted up Sunday morning during worship.
2. Sign up for an hour "slice" on our mission week prayer wheel. Times available include 7/11-7/17 8am-4pm each day. The itinerary of the group will be noted on each slice, so for instance if you select 7/11 at 10am we will be "on the road" and if you select 7/12 at 10am we will be working with children at the kids camp. Pray where you happen to be, and lift up the group several times during the hour if you are not able to spend the entire hour in prayer. See Betty Lane to sign up for a slot!
3. Volunteer to be a Prayer Buddy for one member of our mission team. We will have photos available of each member, and you will covenant to be in prayer for this person during the entire week of the mission trip. Those going include: Earle Harvey, Ellen Dunn, Isaac Dunn, Nathan Dunn, Fred Wade and Pastor Gwyneth.
4. Attend the Commissioning Service during which we will pray over and anoint each mission team member to be "sent forth" into the mission field. Most likely this will take place early on the morning the team leaves. Stay tuned for more details.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
More Ways to Donate To the Peoples Mission Trip
The team thanks all those who have made donations to the mission team going to Wilmington this July, and would like to extend the opportunity to others who would like the opportunity to be part of this exciting mission. Here are a few ways:
1. Donate an item to Urban Promise (leave items in the Mural Room off Ellis Hall) –needs include:
* Small, inexpensive toys that can be used as prizes for ASP/Camp, the Urban Promise School, or our summer carnival
* Sports equipment (balls, mitts, jump ropes, hula hoops, sidewalk chalk, etc)
* Tools that you would use during the week and/or could donate to UP
1. Donate an item to Urban Promise (leave items in the Mural Room off Ellis Hall) –needs include:
* Small, inexpensive toys that can be used as prizes for ASP/Camp, the Urban Promise School, or our summer carnival
* Sports equipment (balls, mitts, jump ropes, hula hoops, sidewalk chalk, etc)
* Tools that you would use during the week and/or could donate to UP
2. Sponsor or provide financial assistance to one of the team members. The mission fee is $150 per person.
3. Make a general donation to the team to help cover costs not included in the mission fee such as meals and transportation, estimated at about $150 per person as well.
The Mission Trip Team thanks you in advance for your generosity and especially for your prayers!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Leaving a Lasting Legacy
Have you ever considered leaving a lasting legacy? Would you like an opportunity to give to your church family that doesn't affect your current income? Have you made out a will to ensure that your resources will go to the individuals and institutions you desire?
If you have any questions please contact the pastors or any member of the Finance Committee. Thank you!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Choir Fest
All choir members are invited to attend the United Methodist Choir Festival held on Peaks Island on Sunday, June 6 at 3:30pm. Please contact Debbie Cole for the ferry schedule!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Small Steps to Stewardship
Small Steps to Stewardship pledge cards will be collected on Sunday, June 6 during worship. This is a wonderful opportunity to take a step of faith and make a real difference. Will you consider making a new commitment to your church family for the remainder of 2010? Here is a summary of the pledge card options. Please contact Kathy Brann if you would like a card mailed to you, or you may print off the Small Steps Pledge Card here, which also includes a helpful chart to calculate a percentage of your giving.
Small Steps to Stewardship, Spring 2010
Peoples United Methodist Church
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” – 2 Corinthians 5:7
Take a key step to pray daily / weekly for the financial and spiritual life of our church
Take a first step to begin pledging to the church in the amount of $_________per week
Take the next step to calculate the percentage of income I am giving (chart on reverse)
Take a big step to pledge to give an additional $5/week $10/week $20/week Other $______________ for the remainder of the year, working toward tithing at 10% and beyond
Take a technological step to help the church and “go green” by giving through Direct Deposit
Go a second mile and contribute to the July Mission Trip $__________ or Conference Mission Shares $__________ or Vacation Bible Camp $__________
March to a different drummer and make a financial commitment not listed here!
Name(s)____________________________________________ Date_____________________
Address _______________________________________________
This is an amazing opportunity to take a step closer to God and make a real difference.
Commitment Sunday will take place June 6. Please place this card in the offering, or mail to:
Kathy Brann, Financial Secretary, Peoples UMC 310 Broadway South Portland, ME 04106.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Men's Breakfast June 12
All men are welcome to attend the Men's Breakfast on June 12 at 7:30am. This is a fun time for fellowship. Please contact Art Tordoff for location.
Choir Schedule and Summer Special Music
The choir will be singing for Music Sunday on June 13 and will be taking a break over the summer until September. However, the Bell Choir will continue to rehearse throughout the summer and we look forward to hearing the bells ringing!
In addition to the bells, we are looking for people to provide summer music. It can be solos, duets, groups, and musical instruments. Please contact Debbie Cole or sign up on the sheet in the back of the sanctuary.
Thank you!
In addition to the bells, we are looking for people to provide summer music. It can be solos, duets, groups, and musical instruments. Please contact Debbie Cole or sign up on the sheet in the back of the sanctuary.
Thank you!
Moms Group Schedule
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Graduates Will be Recognized
If you have a family member graduating from high school or college, we will be celebrating graduates next Sunday, June 13 during worship and will list graduate’s names and information in the bulletin. Please contact Chris Ward FMI at 767-2516.
New Adult Summer Sunday School Class
Next Sunday is the first Summer Sunday School Series on the Puritanism. Martin Whittemore who is pursuing his Ph.D. in History will be facilitating a series, “the Puritan Experience in the U.S.A” which will consist of short readings, a brief presentation and extended round-table discussion. Session 1 of the series will be hosted on Sundays June 13, 20 and 27 before worship at 8:45am. FMI contact Martin at 899-0065.
Friday, May 14, 2010
New Worship Time, 10am, Beginning June 20
Beginning June 20 (Father's Day), morning worship at Peoples will be held at 10am YEAR-ROUND. For many years worship has been held at different times for summer and school-year. The recent congregation survey compiled by the Worship Committee revealed that the majority would prefer to worship at 10am year round. Church Council voted unanimously at their May meeting to make this change beginning June 20.
There are many advantages to this change. A consistent worship time will be easier to publicize and communicate. In addition, during the school-year, coffee fellowship will be able to be hosted after worship rather than before, allowing choir members to attend and providing an opportunity for all of us to connect with our guests who have attended worship. And parents will be able to pick up their children from Sunday School and continue fellowship together with the congregation. This also allows the flexibility to add adult Sunday School classes not only before but also after worship.
If 10am is too late for your summer preference, feel free to worship with us on the beach at 8am. Every Sunday through August, beginning June 27 with Blessing of the Pets, we will hold an informal time of worship at Willard Beach, near the snack shack and playground area.
Any change will take some getting used to, and there are bound to be some things no one has foreseen. But together, and with the grace of Christ, we can work out any issues as they arise. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact Debbie Cole or any member of the Worship Committee.
Fall Sunday School Planning Meeting
All parents, teachers and other Sunday School volunteers are invited and encouraged to attend the Fall Sunday School planning session after worship on June 27, at approximately 11:15am. We hope to plan out the curriculum and calendar for the year! Please contact Andy Folley FMI.
Sunday Summer Program for Kids!
We are looking for volunteers to help out over the summer with this program. Please contact the pastors if you would be interested in signing up for a week or two!
Annual Conference 2010

Annual Conference will be held June 16-19. You may "attend" conference through the internet with live streaming at www.neumc.org/acstream
You may also access the schedule, 2011 budget and other information about Conference at http://www.neumc.org/pages/detail/19
Preble Street Soup Kitchen - Help Serve on 6/30!

Don't forget to wear your Peoples Church apron!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Blessing of the Pets JUNE 27 @ 7:30am

Peoples will continue to worship every Sunday on Willard beach July 4 - August 29 at 8am.
Click here for directions to Willard Beach
Click here for directions to Willard Beach
Strawberry Fest and Yard Sale July 31
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