The cookie bake began with pizza and card games after Sunday School on February 8. Behind the scenes in the kitchen, Rosemary Herd and others were busy baking delicious cookies - sheets and sheets of cookies! They were then brought out on racks to cook, and the kids got to work smearing frosting and dec

orating with heart candies and sprinkles.
Several hundred cookies were decorated by the Sunday School. Several cookies were then put in plastic bags for distribution.

While the kids were still decorating, some more adults were busily compiling the list of recipients who included newcomers, shut-ins and other grandmothers and gra

ndfathers of the faith at Peoples. This group decorated cards and attached them to each bag of cookies.
A big thank you to Andy Folley and Rosemary Herd for coordinating this awesome event, and for all of the parents, teachers and others who came out to help make this such a successful and fun time.
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