Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday School Mural

The Sunday School has been hard at work painting the mural designed by Rosemary's son, Gary Herd. The big day was February 15 when the kids completed the mural!

The theme as you can see is baptism, which the kids studied about in the winter Sunday School unit. The mural portrays John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan River.

The unit used the PowerXpress curriculum, and included center-based teaching such as cooking mud pies and locust pies, baptizing bears, singing, games and crafts. The unit concluded with a summary of what baptism means for us and why we believe in baptism, and used a bowl of water, shell, heart, rock and towel to explain some of the elements of baptism, followed by a time for questions.
What a fun time of learning this has been. Again a big thank you to the Folleys and all of the teachers and parents for your time and hard work.

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