Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good Friday Healing Services

The pastors in the cluster organized healing services at Thornton Heights UMC for Good Friday this year, not one, not two, but three! The first began at noon, and was well attended. The format was simple, with some singing, Scripture and homily, followed by anointing with oil and prayer over all those who attended. The second and third services had many fewer attendees, but this also allowed for some more intensive prayer and healing time which was a very powerful experience for the lay folks who came as well as the clergy.

There was a light meal served during this time as well and was a wonderful conclusion to our Lenten worship services together. Methodists are truly "connectional" and these worship services together a perfect example. We are in ministry together and we fellowship together, not just within our churches but among all of our churches as we seek to share the love of Christ in our community together.

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