This year on Finance, we have a new chair, Kathy Brann, but we also have a new mission. This was our first order of business when we met this January, to discuss our mission and goals as a team charged with caring for the finances of the church. Although always a work-in-progress, we hold as our mission to manage church resources that nurture people in their Christian walk.
With this mission in mind, we documented our main areas of responsibility. Each month we are focusing on one of these areas, which include:
1. Communication
2. Education
3. Stewardship
4. Fundraising
5. Allocating and Dispersing
6. Overseeing, Programming and Planning
7. Record Retention
The topic for a recent meeting was Communication and Education. We are planning to host another interactive presentation (possibly on May 18) to communicate our current financial status to the congregation using pie charts and powerpoint slides rather than spreadsheets. We will also be asking various ministry groups to write articles for the newsletter to relate how church funds are supporting their ministry in authentic ways -(see above article Financial Stewardship Part I. We discussed communicating the basic financial summary in the newsletter each quarter in simple terms: money in, money out, and net cash flow.
We also hope to plan a second Good $ense seminar for the Fall, a course geared toward helping us manage our personal, God-given resources without debt and with faithful stewardship. Keith Snoddy attended the 2007 class if you would like to talk to him about it. We also hope to plan a second Wills and Estate Planning seminar, a course geared toward helping folks plan for end-of-life needs. Kathy Brann attended this if you would like to talk to her about it.
Please say Thank You to a Finance Committee member today! Kathy Brann (chair), Keith Snoddy, Walter Greer, Chris Bowker, Earle Harvey and Susan Angell.
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