Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Celebration, Begun with Despair

Many were surprised as they entered the Sanctuary on Easter morning to find the lights off, flowers hidden and no beautiful organ music. Slides projected on the wall depicted scenes from Jesus agonizing in prayer in the garden, his trial and beatings, crucifixion and dead body. All were invited to quiet reflection, and after a brief introduction, we heard the Scripture story told (Sam Seidl and Danielle Seidl), from the darkness somewhere, of how Jesus died on the cross and his body placed in a tomb. The choir then began to sing, "What Wondrous Love is This" as we viewed a painting depicting Jesus on the cross.

Chris Ward then led us in a "Call to Worship," proclaiming what happened next. As the women came to the tomb they found it empty. We spoke together the angelic greeting: Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen. Christ is risen indeed! The organist began "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" and the acolytes, Isaac and Nathan Dunn, brought the Light of Christ up the darkened isle, with their parents Hank and Ellen carrying flowers to the altar and removing the black cloths. The ushers raised the lights, starting from the back which made it seem almost supernatural. As we continued to sing, Chris Ward and Becky Snoddy brought out the hidden flowers and placed them on the altar rail for all to see (we could only smell them before!). We sang the Good News that Jesus is risen, and joy flooded the Sanctuary. Wow.

By the way, the idea of starting Easter in darkness came from one of the Bishop's messages in which he shared his own experience of a church that did this where he visited. Since then, I've learned of other churches that have done this for years. If you attended and have feedback on the experience, please share this with the worship committee (Chris Ward is chair).

Karen Jennings shared an amazing children's message using pretzels! Did you know that you can share the Gospel using pretzels? Karen and Teresa Folley then brought the kids down to make Easter banners, which the kids paraded around the sanctuary at the close of worship and all clapped and praised God!

There was however one very disheartening event during worship. During the sermon, as we spoke about the blessing of peace that Christ speaks to our hearts even in the midst of tremendous anxiety and fear, our dear Elaine Rogers became very ill. As folks called paramedics, we prayed together as a congregation and had opportunity to practice the very thing we were proclaiming. We heard several hours later that Elaine was released from the hospital, and for that we are thankful. Let us all hear the words of the risen Christ as he appears to us in the midst of fear and pain and grief and darkness: "Peace by with you."

So perhaps we all left a bit more reflective than a typical Easter Sunday. Hopefully we saw that the joy and good news of Easter does not just magically appear but comes through darkness and suffering and pain and despair. And that this dark reality of death all around us, as real as it is, has been conquered by our victorious Savior Jesus Christ who gives this same victory to all who trust and follow him.

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed!

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