The Finance Committee has asked various committees and ministry teams of the church to write up articles about how church funds are being used to further our ministries and mission. This the first in a series of articles on this topic, by the Trustees.
Funding for the Trustees work projects can come from several directions. They include:
Memorial Donations specified to be used, not invested;
Donations made to the Trustees for a specific project;
Income from Memorial Investments;
And, occasionally, Insurance proceeds.
The Memorial money that the Trustees has invested will not be producing the large amounts of income that we saw the past few years. The uncertainty in the stock market will necessitate the Trustees keeping expenditures conservative. In the past few years, the Trustees took measures to be good stewards of the money placed in their care. The distribution on funds was re-aligned so to safeguard the funds value in the event of the foreseeable changes in the world economy. I am happy to report that although the market has fluctuated tremendously, we are so far still realizing a 1.9% increase in value. Another safeguard that was implemented a few years ago is a 10% “buffer” that the Trustees self-imposed to protect against market fluctuations. That is, the Trustees decided to not withdraw funds down below the 110% level of the value of the covenants of the invested funds, securing the original investment. This added 10% could also be a cushion, should there be an immediate need for funds for an emergency repair to the church’s property. With the current market changes, we have currently dropped below the self-imposed 10% buffer, and now report the funds being at 109% of original investment value. This being the current status of the investments, the Trustees will not be using funds from this source for the immediate future.
The Trustees do have other funds currently available for some upcoming projects. An unfortunate accident that left the play yard fence in disrepair has brought in some insurance funds that will ultimately help in paying for a larger fenced in area behind the sanctuary (scheduled for spring 2008). The added funds needed for the project will come from the Jim Darling Memorial Fund, which is carefully being used for several improvement projects.
1. The lock fixtures on the sanctuary doors have been serviced and re-keyed alike. In Ellis Hall, the Mussey St. doors have improved locking mechanisms, the kitchen door has a new lock, and the breezeway doors have been re-keyed so that all Ellis Hall exterior doors have a common key. New keys numbered, tracked. (done)
2. The “Rose Window”, which is the round stained glass window over the altar in the sanctuary, will be removed this summer (2008) and completely renewed. Currently, the wood around the window is rotten, and the window has bowed severely. Refurbishment will restore the window to new condition,
3. New light fixtures have been purchased for the two doors on the church, and two fixtures have been purchased for the Ellis Hall/ Mussey St. entrance. An electrician has been hired for installation (as soon as possible).
4. A new “sidewalk” sign is being purchased to advertise events. This sign is 23”x 33”, and will hopefully be supplemented by banners hung on the side of Ellis Hall (on order now).
5. Maintenance to insure the life expectancy of the furnace is also to be done this summer (2008), when the heating system can be shut down during the process.
There are also many maintenance items that the Trustees are addressing:
1. The parsonage will be receiving new hard wired smoke detectors (asap).
2. The sanctuary door need repainting (summer 2008)
3. The Ellis Hall/Mussey St. doors need sanding and repainting (summer 2008)
4. The incline lift between the vestry and Ellis Hall needs maintenance (asap)
5. Ant barrier surrounding church and parsonage
Improvement items are also being addressed at upcoming meetings:
1. Indoor signs are needed
2. The outside of the church needs the street number highly visible (asap)
3. Fire exit signage needed in the Ellis Hall kitchen (asap)
4. Portable headset microphone needed for the church service
5. Window installation for nursery below the sanctuary
Items that just need some time and effort to accomplish:
1. Storage room organization and maintenance (ongoing)
2. Libraries updated, separate kids and adults books
3. Light bulb maintenance (asap)
4. Mowing schedule for summer
5. Daycamp gates on vestry ramp installed (asap)
Items for the management and operation of the church:
1. Short term Usage Agreements need updating (“rentals”) (asap)
2. Long term Usage Agreements need updating (“leases”) (asap)
3. The Capital Improvement List needs updating and prioritizing (in process)
4. The outstanding Ministerial Loans need attention (asap)
5. The arrangement of the Ellis Hall “outrooms” need to be updated for the ability of the Sunday School to best provide the proper atmosphere (ongoing)
Parsonage Maintenance items:
1. The oil tank has been replaced, as it was deemed soon-to-fail. (done)
2. Driveway side of the house, lattice work needs repair
3. Front steps rail needs work
4. Lattice of back of house needs repair
5. Back door needs new screen door
6. Fire extinguisher needs mounting in laundry room
7. Bathroom fan needs replacing (asap)
8. Closet door needs adjusting
9. Bedroom door needs lock
10. Hole in garage roof needs patch (asap)
11. Basement door needs adjusting
12. Deck boards need replacing
13. Basement stairs need light fixture
The Trustees have much to discuss at each meeting. The safety of the people using the building is priority, with maintaining the facility to best meet the needs of the church as the goal. The above mentioned items are what is currently facing the Trustees. The priority list is a work in progress, it is forever evolving. Other major expenditures will be delayed for another year.
This years Trustees include: Walter Greer, Chairperson, Brad Morrison, V.P., Doreen Gay, Treasurer, Sue Angell, Secretary, Chuck Kamilewicz, Joanne Kamilewicz, Jim MacKinnon, and Jamie Arrison is the pastoral representative.
I hope that this gives you some insight as to what the Trustees are trying to accomplish this year!
Submitted by Walter Greer