Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Take a chance on God.

March 30 we will celebrate Tithing Sunday. What would it mean to set aside a full ten percent of your income as Tithe to the church? It could mean taking a big risk that there may not be enough. It could mean trusting in God's provision. It could mean risking that the church will use the money well. It could mean having to sacrifice some luxury or even perhaps some necessity. It could mean that the church would have more than it would need for current ministry and have to find new ways to open up, grow and share God's resources. It may feel that it would require reducing giving to some other charity. It may feel legalistic, manipulative or unnecessary. It may lead you to bring more than 10%.

The bottom line, though is that the only way to find out what bringing a full Tithe would mean is to try it. Approaching any difficult or unattractive prospect requires taking the first step, the first bite, the first try. We have been setting aside each 5th Sunday to make a special place available to take this risk. This is not a time to give what is left over at the end of the month, but perhaps a thought towards giving the first 10% of the week to come.

In the end, Tithing is not a financial practice or for Christians a legal requirement; it is a spiritual practice that is just a starting point for a whole life of stewardship. Pray about God's leading of your life of stewardship and consider risking a Tithe for the fifth Sunday of the month. I am confident that God will provide what you need and blessings beyond. It may become part of your life that you cannot do without.

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