You Missed It If You Weren’t There
On February 2 a small group of folks gathered for the first Saturday Niters get together in several ye
ars. Originally this group was formed as the Kouples Klub back in the 1950’s. Later the name was changed
to Saturday Niters to encourage any adult members of the church to get together for socializing. On this rebirth night a pot luck supper was shared and those who were present chose teams, male and female in this inst
ance and played a game of Trivial Pursuit. Those in attendance were: Dan and Ruth Doughty, Sally and
On February 2 a small group of folks gathered for the first Saturday Niters get together in several ye

Betty Smith, Art and Marlene Tordoff, Jamie Arrison and Betty Lane. While it was only a few of many everyone in attendance had a good time Dan and Rosemary Herd were the planners for this occasion and promise that there will be more Saturday N
iter episodes planned in the near future. We will have to say that while the game was a tight one it was the outnumbered side that filled their wheel first. Anyone having a suggestion on what to plan might want to get the word to Dan and/or Rosemary.
Maybe next time the weather will be better and
people will have fewer things planned or the winter flu and cold season will have passed.

Maybe next time the weather will be better and

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