Each season of Lent, the United Methodist Churches in this area (called the Casco Bay Cluster), plan and facilitate worship together each week. Worship services are held Wednesday evenings at 7pm. This year, the churches have used "grace" as a theme, and the ways we receive God's grace according to John Wesley, the founder of Methodism: prayer, fasting, Bible study, fasting, conferencing (small groups), and the sacraments of communion and baptism.
The Casco Bay Cluster Churches are:
South Portland: Peoples UMC, Elm Street UMC, First UMC, and Thornton Heights UMC
Cape Elizabeth UMC
West Scarborough UMC
Buxton UMC
The churches will also host a Good Friday worship service at noon on March 21. This will be held at the Thornton Heights UMC.
It's been a blessing to see Peoples people at each of these worship services, and to experience our connection as Methodists in the area. We are one in Christ!
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