Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Peoples UMC at Work and Play

Peoples UMC at work and play

Sometimes we get behind a little on reporting activities that Peoples plays a role in.

Plant Sale On May 20 two events took place. The first was the annual plant sale that is sponsored by the garden group of the church. They are responsible for taking care of the expanding gardens of Peoples including the Memorial Garden and the McClellan Memorial. Hostas also add color in front of the ramp to the main door and grace the perimeter of Ellis Hall. Maintaining the gardens includes planting, weeding, and watering as well as maintenance of the shrubs that add to the outer décor of the church yard. Plants available for sale for the most part come from many of the yards of parishioners. Pictures give the reader an idea of the selection that appears each year and an idea of how important plant contributors feel about God’s creation. Monies earned go to the maintenance of the gardens as well as making a significant contribution to the general fund of the church. This year a food table was added with Rosemary, Carol and Joanne contributing along with other cooks.

Bean Supper The other even held on the same day was the monthly bean supper. The third Saturday of each month from September through May has long been the date of this perennial activity. Many of the same faces will appear to work on the supper as well as come to eat. Often this even is looked at by some folks with great anticipation. Chris has long been the overseer of the kitchen while the Snoddys, Kamiliewiczs, Nelsons, Sue, Rosemary, Janice, Becky, Pam, Pat, Kathy, and Jody often can be seen at our about the work of the meal and the monthly min-fair, and  let it be known that all are thanked for helping. Often the Scouts of Troop 23 may lend a hand at setting up or taking down tables and chairs.

Memorial Day Parade The following weekend saw Carol, Kathy and others setting up a booth with free water and coffee for parade goers who find the grounds of the church a perfect location to observe the Memorial Day Parade. This year one of the groups marching in the parade were some of our own church members who carried the Peoples Banner. We had had a number of folks march in the parade before behind the banner but it had been a number of years since that had occurred. Pastor Tom took the lead on this one and one could see, Barb, Earle, Keith and Janice among the marchers.

Ice Cream Social On Sunday, June 10, an Ice Cream Social was held after church. Led by members of the Tuesday Morning Bible group all the fixings were provided for parishioners who chose, to make ice cream sundaes. Much lip smacking was enjoyed by those folks of all ages who participated.

Golf During the Spring and now early Summer a group of five men have been playing golf on Wednesday mornings at the municipal course. The camaraderie is great and we have had an opportunity to get to know each other in a different way. We have all found that we play about the same and I don’t believe any of us would ever win a prize. If you have time available and would like to join us let us know of your interest or just show up---it’s a great little course and provides us a lot of fun! Art, Earle, Keith, Dan and Randy will welcome you.

Shawl Ministry One of the activities of Peoples that has served within and without our church family is the Shawl Ministry. Over the course of years that this group of women has met they have knit many shawls that have been given to those who have been sick or in mourning for the loss of a dear one. They have also made hundreds of heart pillows that for the most part have been distributed through the cancer programs at Mercy Hospital. Another of their endeavors are pocket prayer cloths which bring comfort as a reminder that the Lord is always with them. They have also provided from time to time preemie hats at Maine Medical Center. Janice, Susan, Sharon, Pat, Ruth, Betty, Doreen and Marlene have spearheaded this ministry to the glory of God and service to a special community of recipients.

The above events are not the only activities that have taken place through Peoples during this period of time. I am not privileged to play a direct role in other church sponsored activities. If you are and would like me or Pastor Tom to place any articles on the blog with or without pictures please send your stories to one or the other so that we may better utilize the value of the blog and then on to Facebook.

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