Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 From Morning ‘til Night

6th Annual Plant Sale

On May 16, 2015 Marlene, Carol, Doreen, Joanne and Susan arrived at Peoples UMC to set out tables with plants that had been potted in their yards and those of others over the previous two weeks. Many of these plants had been delivered, arranged and priced on the previous evening and sorted into categories. Other members of the church could be seen assisting the early risers including Pam and Len, Art, David, Walter and Pastor Tom. This would be the 6th Annual Plant Sale held by the Garden Committee as an annual money maker for the Committee and for the church. During the morning a continuous flow of customers visited the tables and most made several selections to take home to their own gardens. The sale opened at 9 AM under cloudy, but warm conditions with the sun occasionally showing itself in the sky above.

As has been the case the Plant Sale bills itself as a way of sharing God’s beauty with the public. In addition to serving as another way of introducing folks to activities of the church it also provided a means of making some money. This year the plant sale raised over $700!

While the sale was going on Walter could be seen preparing a garden location in front of Ellis Hall. This area will eventually extend the Memorial Garden that presently is found between the church and Ellis Hall. The new garden area will serve as a memorial to Ruth and Guy McLellan. While Walter was working out front Art cleared the back of the church and parking lot of leaves and dirt that had accumulated over this past winter.

The original memorial garden was dedicated to Lorraine Hodgkins and has also become a place of memory for Bob Porter when granite bench was added a number of years ago. Today gardens also enhance the entry to both the church and Ellis Hall.

Bean Supper Shares the Day

This was also the last Saturday date for a Bean Supper until September. While the plant sale was going on Art, Tom and David set up Ellis Hall with tables and chairs while Rosemary began to prepare for the supper in the kitchen. The same folks who helped with the supper set-up were also engaged in taking the tables and chairs back inside when the plant sale was over.

Folks began arriving for the meal shortly after four to get a good seat. Many members could be seen working in the kitchen, pouring coffee, water and punch, cutting pies or ready to collect money.  Susan and Joann were on the check in table with Paul and Susan cutting and serving pie. Amy could be seen running around with water and punch. Kathy, as she has for a few years now, was manning her mini-fair table with a myriad of things for supper attendees to browse through and buy.  In the kitchen were Rob and Chuck washing dishes with Barbara and Tom, Keith, Becky and Dick. After introductions by Chris, Pastor Tom made a few announcements and then blessed the meal. People line up before the smorgasbord of food and one after another would take away, in many cases, a heaping assortment of beans, hot dogs, casseroles and salads. No one certainly goes away hungry!

While one reason for having the suppers is to make money, they also provide a means of providing fellowship for both those who come for the meal and those who prepare and serve it.

Most folks have left before 6:00 PM and by 7:00PM the hall is cleaned up and everyone is off to home.

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