Saturday, May 30, 2015

Adult Sunday school class

Adult Sunday school class

The Sunday morning adult Sunday school class has met from September through the first week in June since 1968. Over the years the members of the class have changed as have the numbers. The class began as a male and female class that met originally in the pastor’s study. That was still four years before Ellis Hall was open for meeting. For several years after that beginning membership moved to an all male class that met on the breezeway. Again the class in more recent times returned to a mixed class. For one of our series of classes that was based on the stories depicted in the stained class windows we met in the sanctuary. In another series of classes we met in the parsonage to use the DVD that went with a Philip Yancy program, “The Jesus I Never Knew”. The class today does meet in the Ellis Hall Parlor and after studying other series prepared by Philip Yancy, Harold S. Kushner, Lee Strobel and J. Ellsworth Kalas we have for two years been using N. T. Wright’s “Luke for Everyone”.

Presently the class is attended regularly by Carol, Pat, Janice, Randi, Marlene, Pam, Earle and Art who has facilitated the class since its inception, 47 years ago. Periodically others have joined the class and we do encourage folks to be a part of this ongoing class.

We try to get started about 8:45 to 9:00 AM each Sunday beginning with concerns and a prayer followed by the reading of the Biblical passage for that week. All regular attendees have a text that helps to explain the passage as well as a set of questions prepared and distributed before the class meets. If you are interested in becoming part of the class you need not have the text as the questions provided and the Bible will serve you well. Discussion is encouraged.


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