Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Serving At The Root Cellar

PUMC Serves Supper at the Root Cellar

On average, a crew of folks from Peoples UMC have served supper meals 4 times a year for several years at Portland’s Root Cellar. The Root Cellar is a Christianity-based and supported  service agency located on Washington Avenue in Portland. Services for families and especially children have helped hundreds of folks in the immediate area become established following, sometimes hazardous and dangerous escapes from foreign countries.

Peoples often served families in the past, but more frequently the meals we have prepared feed children and their counselors. On Thursday, May 23 the crew including, Carol, Barbara, Kathy, Susan, Marlene and Art arrived around 5 PM to prepare a Spaghetti meal served with salad, meatballs, bread, drink and dessert. At 6 PM Peggy and Scott from the Root Cellar got things underway with a prayer. The kids then lined up at the serving window to get their meals minus the dessert; that would come later.

By 7 PM, all had been served, a short program had been held, and the kids had moved a lot of food donations from the kitchen area to the big hall for family distribution on the next day. It was then that they could pick up their dessert and head home. By the time they were ready to leave the crew from Peoples was ready to head for home also. Most of the kids did thank us as they were passing out the door.
The next meal we will serve will not be until this fall. We would like to encourage others from the Peoples congregation to take this short venture into mission, near our homes. Let Pastor Tom or Carol Bruneau (Chairperson for Church Life) know of you interest

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