Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Memorial Day and the Big Parade

Water and Parades

It has now become a tradition that a group of people from Peoples UMC will gather cases of small bottles of water for distribution of Memorial Day prior to the parade that now passes the church. Beginning as early as 9:30 AM people start gathering at their favorite spots along the parade route from SMCC to the Veteran’s Memorial at Mill Creek Park. Many find that the corners of Broadway and Mussy or Harriet Streets provide good venues to watch the various units of the parade as they pass by. It just so happens that is where Peoples United Methodist Church and Ellis Hall is.

Balloons are sold by school groups, flags are distributed by others so Peoples chose to give away water. Before the water is handed out, carefully printed wrapped paper with the Peoples Logo was placed around the bottle. Coffee as an offering in addition to the water has recently been added to the free drinks. This writer observed Kathy, Betty, Jody, Pastor Tom, and Carol distributing the bottles with others from church at least looking on.

We thank the Lord for clearing the weather, allowing the water to be donated, and the strength of Peoples people in mission to the community for making this event possible.

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