Friday, January 07, 2011

Good $ense

Good $ense, Freed Up Financial Living is a Personal Finance Workshop in which you will learn to honor God in your finances by becoming a: Diligent Learner – Generous Giver – Wise Saver – Cautious Debtor – Prudent Consumer. You will develop a spending plan and learn how to implement this plan through a combination of workbook exercises, DVD clips and discussion with other participants. Here are some options for taking this workshop:

1.  Attend a Good $ense small group either in five 1½ hour sessions or 1 all-day session. Please let us know if you would need childcare provided to attend.
2. Go through the study with your family at home, and borrow the curriculum (fully-refundable deposit required).
3. You would be interested at a later date.
4.  You are confident in your faithful financial stewardship but might attend this workshop as an assistant, mentor or leader if needed.

Please contact the Pastors at 619-1509 with any questions or to register.

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