Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Celebration of 2009!

On Sunday, January 24 after church service 70 members and friends of Peoples gathered in Ellis Hall for the annual Life of the Church in Review. A terrific meal was prepared by Brad and Betsy Morrison which was embellished by the delectable treats of other parishioners.
After the meal the afternoon festivities began by the "Singing Ushers" rendition of "Precious Lord". This was followed by raising up members of Peoples that have gone to be with their "Precious Lord" in the past year. Elaine Rogers, Ruth McLellan, Betty McGouldrick and Tommy Johnson were among those that were presented in word and picture. Olive Sweetsir and Ruth Kittredge were two other members of the church that passed from our midst this past year.
Celebrations followed with accolades for Pastor Gwyneth who was ordained at the Annual Conference this year. Kathy Brann was also commended for her innovative program in Stewardship this past fall. Art Tordoff was also commended for his work this past Christmas season on the Advent Meditation booklet that was published for the 23rd year in a row.
Earle Harvey served as the Master of Ceremonies with assistance from others such as Sue Angell, Chris Ward, Pastor Gwyneth and Pastor Jamie.

Rosemary Herd and her sister, Marilyn entertained us with a puppet show that featured two nosy puppets who shared some of the local church gossip in a very entertaining manner.

Presentations were made by a number of church leaders including Andy Folly on the growth of the Sunday School program, Pastor Gwyneth on the effectiveness of last summer's Avalanche Ranch VBS, Pastor Jamie on the growth of the youth program, Betty Splettstoesser on the Memorial Day Water Bottle Mission and Pastor Gwyneth on the increasing use of technology in the dispersal of information.

Children who were present were entertained periodically with the adults but also had the opportunity to play games and/or watch Veggie Tales in the parlor.

A really good time was had by all. Congratulations to all the people of Peoples for a meaningful year of worship, fellowship and mission. We all look forward to what the Lord has in store for our spiritual community in the coming year.

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