Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lenten Reflections
Limited Space Still Available on Mission Trip
The total cost of the trip, including meals in Baltimore, is $325. Looking for ways to help even if you can’t go? Here are some ideas: Sponsoring someone on the trip, financial help or donations of craft supplies, loaning necessary items such as a roof top carrier, use of a van or air mattress. . We have already received a few financial donations! In addition, we will be planning times for prayer and fasting before and during the trip.
Please contact Betsy Morrison at 767-6063 or Pastor Gwyneth at 409-5530 if you have any questions.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
All New Church Leadership
There are so many qualified people it should be very rare that any one person would serve more than one three-year term for any key leadership position in a healthy church. It is important to share the gifts around, especially in leadership, and also allow those in a position for a few years to experience and grow in different ministries after their term.
We give many thanks for the leadership provided by Earle Harvey, Dan Doughty, Chris Ward and Art Tordoff in these major positions the last several years, and look forward to many more years of their leadership in many different capacities. We also give thanks for Tom and Barbara Nelson, Keith Snoddy, Betsy Morrison and Carol Bruneau for answering God's call to these key leadership positions. And we also give thanks to the many other leaders and servants who are faithfully continuing in their positions or are likewise inspired to take on new ministries.
For an updated list of leadership and committee or ministry members please go to the 2010 Lay Leadership List, or click on the link to the right which is updated throughout the year.
For Christ to be made known in South Portland and the world,
Pastors Jamie and Gwyneth Arrison
Church Council off and Running

1) Respect, really listen, don’t personalize
2) Chairman is to be notified of agenda item and in all agenda items, presenter must have all the information.
3) Time limited reports and ongoing information kept to a minimum. Try and present new information.
4) One spokesman per committee.
5) Meeting will begin and end on time….7:30 to 9:00. Betsy feels that this is non negotiable.
6) Big decisions that change the life of the church must come through Council. Individuals do not make decisions.
7) Pastor Jamie advised spending funds, other than line item budget items, should be brought to Council for approval.
8) Reports such as minutes and quarterly treasurer’s report should be submitted in advance of Council meetings and distributed to Council members for review prior to next meeting.
All are welcome to attend Church Council meetings, although only Council members vote. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.
E100 Challenge Beginning in February!

We recommend EVERYONE take part in this challenge. Beginning in February we are encouraging people to join up with one or two people to take the E100 Challenge. They could be family members, co-workers, friends at church, or neighbors. Although it is great to be able to meet regularly face-to-face, it is always an option to "meet" over the internet or by phone. You can use any Bible translation, you can choose how fast you want to work through the readings, and you can choose how often you will check in with one another.
If you prefer a small group format, Pastor Gwyneth will be leading a weekly study as well, and we will decide on the schedule with those who sign up with interest in that group.
The pastors will provide discussion questions and materials for everyone who signs up, but these also are optional. Forms are available at church, or by contacting the pastors. Also, please let the pastors know if you need a modern translation Bible that you can read easily. Will YOU take the E100 challenge?
Find out more at You can register your name on the E100 wall at this website as well!
Wonderful Time Dancing!

The evening begins with an hour-long ballroom dance class led by Ann Rita Smith of Maine Ballroom Dancing. For the first four weeks we have learned the Foxtrot, and now have begun to learn the Waltz. Ann has been a fabulous teacher for all levels.

All you dancers out there, please be sure to join us for our Valentine's Dance on Friday February 12 at 7pm. We plan to play some good Foxtrot and Waltz music to practice what we've learned!
Celebration of 2009!

After the meal the afternoon festivities began by the "Singing Ushers" rendition of "Precious Lord". This was followed by raising up members of Peoples that have gone to be with their "Precious Lord" in the past year. Elaine Rogers, Ruth McLellan, Betty McGouldrick and Tommy Johnson were among those that were presented in word and picture. Olive Sweetsir and Ruth Kittredge were two other members of the church that passed from our midst this past year.
Celebrations followed with accolades for Pastor Gwyneth who was ordained at the Annual Conference this year. Kathy Brann was also commended for her

Earle Harvey served as the Master of Ceremonies with assistance from others such as Sue Angell, Chris Ward, Pastor Gwyneth and Pastor Jamie.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Haiti: How You Can Help
A major earthquake hit
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has close ties with the
There are a number of ways for individuals and local churches to help in the response, and this page has links to updated news as well as resources to assist local churches in spreading the word about how to best support the relief efforts.
Call for Prayer:
Bishop Peter D. Weaver of the New England Annual Conference is calling all New England United Methodists to prayer for the people of
Other Ways to Help:
UMCOR Donations: If you can donate toward relief efforts, please make payment to Peoples UMC with a note in the memo line or envelope: UMCOR Advance # 418325 for
United Methodist Volunteers in
UMCOR Health Kits for
• 1 hand towel (15" x 25" up to 17" x 27", No kitchen towels)
• 1 washcloth
• 1 comb (large and sturdy, not pocket-sized)
• 1 nail file or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers)
• 1 bath-size bar of soap (
• 1 toothbrush (single brushes only in original wrapper, No child-size brushes)
• 6 adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages
• $2.00 ($1 to purchase toothpaste and $1 for processing/ shipping costs for each kit).
(NOTE: UMCOR is now purchasing toothpaste in bulk to be added to health kits before shipping to ensure that the product does not expire before they are sent.)
Important Kit Assembly Information:
• All items included in kits must be NEW items.
• All emergency kits are carefully planned to make them usable in the greatest number of situations. Since strict rules often govern product entry into international countries, it is important that kits contain only the requested items-nothing more.
• Do NOT include any personal notes, money or additional materials in the kits. These things must be painstakingly removed and will delay the shipment.
The church is located at 310 Broadway South Portland, ME 04106. Kits can be dropped off Sunday during worship, or weekdays 8am-1pm through the Mussey Street entrance. For questions you may call 799-1413.
Peoples UMC is the drop-off site for the Greater Portland area, and all kits will be collected by UMCOR the first week of March. Carol Bruneau is looking for a team to help assemble the first round of kits after church on February 7. Kits will be collected through the end of February.
Thank you for your prayers and support for our sisters and brothers in
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Jesus in the Temple Sunday School Unit
Doesn't this look fun? The Sunday School is always looking for volunteers. Please see Andy if you feel called to help out!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Jr. High Youth Group
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Peoples Mom's Group February 4 and 11
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Valentine’s Dance Feb 12 !
Valentine's Cookie Bake

Serving at the Root Cellar February 25

Family Pizza Night February 25
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Pastors on Vacation
Interested in church membership?
Worship Around the Cluster During Lent
The church is located at 280 Ocean House Road in Cape Elizabeth. FMI call 799-8396.
The church is located at 2 Church Street-Route 1 in West Scarborough. FMI call 883-2814.
The church is located at 100 Westbrook Street in South Portland. FMI call 774-0487.
The church is located at 179 Ridgeland Avenue in South Portland. FMI call 767-2688.
3/24 Buxton UMC
The church is located at 276 Chicopee Rd in Buxton. FMI call 642-3996.
4/10 (Good Friday) Elm Street UMC
The church is located at 168 Elm Street in South Portland. FMI call 799-0407.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Keeping in Touch By Email
Many active members are on the Peoples email prayer and information chain. Prayer requests and updates, as well as information and reminders about church events are emailed to this list throughout the week. Please also contact the pastors if you would like to be added to the email prayer & info chain.
Remember, you can request to be removed from either of these lists at any time.
Pastors Gwyneth and Jamie Arrison
Friday, January 08, 2010
Come Celebrate 2009!

Exciting Training Event Jan 23
Dancing with the Stars
Jr. High Sledding Party This Sunday!

Following our sledding adventure, we will head back to Peoples Church for hot chocolate. The event ends at 3:00 pm.
The group meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoon. Come and join the fun! Please contact Pastor Jamie if you'd like to know more, or to find out about carpooling.
Kids, Come Build a Model Temple!

Prayer and Meditation in Candlelight

Thursday Mom's Group
Mission Trip Informational Meeting

In our history as a church, there is no record of us ever going on a mission trip ouside our own state so this is will be a very exciting venture for all involved. There are many ways to be involved: from actually going on the mission trip, to providing craft materials for us to take and use with the children, to praying diligently before, during and after the trip.
Personally, I feel as though it's the right time for Peoples to venture a bit further than our comfort zone and share our love of God in this way. I hope you'll agree and join us on Sunday to hear more.
In Christian Love and Service,
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Ephesians at SMCC

Take the E100 Challenge!

New Phone Contacts for Pastors
Each of us will then have our own phone. You will be able to call the pastors individually, though according to our current policy, we will screen calls during our family times and get back when our schedule allows unless it is an emergency. Jamie's number is 799-6814 and Gwyneth's number is 409-5530.
Roughly, our current schedule is as follows: Pastor Gwyneth on call Monday mornings, Tuesday afternoons, and Wednesdays. Pastor Jamie on call Monday afternoons, Tuesday mornings and Thursdays. Fridays are covered by the preaching pastor that week. During the school year, Saturday is our day off. You know where to find us on Sunday!
As another note, the church office phone, 799-1413, continues to be out-of-service, and this is currently forwarded to one of our cell phones. Trustees will continue to work on this in the coming weeks and will hopefully be resolved soon.
Our emails will remain unchanged. Pastor Gwyneth AND Pastor Jamie: thearrisons at Pastor Gwyneth: gwyneth at Pastor Jamie: jamie at
If you have any questions about these new contacts please let us know. Thank you for your patience with these changes, and we do hope that this will eventually create paths for smoother communication.