Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Christmas at Peoples Church - All Welcome!
Coastal Christmas Fair Saturday, December 5, 9am-2pm
Hanging of the Greens family service, Sunday, Dec. 6, 6pm
Christmas Caroling in Nursing Homes, Sunday, Dec. 13, 1pm
Candlelight Meditation to Handel’s Messiah, Dec. 13, 7pm
Root Cellar Angel Gift Mission, Monday, Dec. 14, 9am
Neighborhood Caroling, Friday, December 18, 6pm
Children’s Christmas Pageant, Sunday, Dec. 20, 10:30am
Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship, Thursday, Dec. 24, 7pm
Last day to register for 6-week Couples Dance-Relationship Class, Monday, December 28
Serving at Wayside Soup Kitchen, Wednesday, Dec. 30, 5pm
Hanging of the Greens family service, Sunday, Dec. 6, 6pm
Christmas Caroling in Nursing Homes, Sunday, Dec. 13, 1pm
Candlelight Meditation to Handel’s Messiah, Dec. 13, 7pm
Root Cellar Angel Gift Mission, Monday, Dec. 14, 9am
Neighborhood Caroling, Friday, December 18, 6pm
Children’s Christmas Pageant, Sunday, Dec. 20, 10:30am
Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship, Thursday, Dec. 24, 7pm
Last day to register for 6-week Couples Dance-Relationship Class, Monday, December 28
Serving at Wayside Soup Kitchen, Wednesday, Dec. 30, 5pm
Monday, November 23, 2009
Welcome to Four New Members!
Thank you to Brad and Betsy for bringing extra food for our fellowship afterwards, Betty for putting together decorative bags, Kathy for making lanyards for the crosses, and all of the folks who wrote letters and cards to our newest family members.
In their gift bags, new members received items representative of their vows and commitment to offer their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness: a prayer card (prayers), a shell (representing baptism and presence in Christ's body the church), a pledge card (gifts), a cross necklace (service and sacrifice), and a welcome brochure to help invite a friend to church along with a candle (witness, and being the light of Christ in the world). Welcome to all of you!
Variety Show - Variety and Talent!

You may view more pictures at the Variety Show Photo Album.
Stewardship Bears Wonderful Fruit

Kathy Brann spent many hours putting together large apple tree displays. Each of the three weeks, branches, then leaves, and finally fruit were added to the tree during the reading of the Scripture. On the 2nd Sunday, the congregation also wrote on the back of a leaf one spiritual discipline they would covenant to begin or renew, and also taped these onto the trees. Ruth Doughty used a wheelbarrow and gardening items to help communicate the message on "Abiding in Christ" through the inward, outward and corporate spiritual disciplines.
As folks arrived for worship on Commitment Sunday, they found a tree with apples on it outside the door! Ruth decorated the altar table with abundant fruit on the final Sunday of the stewardship program as we spoke about the joyful harvest (John 15:11 Jesus said, "I have said these things to you so you may have joy, and that your joy may be complete.") Kathy Brann made apple stem headbands for all of the kids, and Andy Folley helped to get all of the kids into their new red Peoples tee-shirts. The children became real live apples collecting promise cards in apple baskets at the finale of the stewardship program on 11/15. Kathy is still awaiting a few more pledge cards to give us a final pledge total – if you have not yet turned your promised giving in for 2010, please contact Kathy Brann or turn in a card during the offering on any Sunday.
Many thanks to Kathy Brann, Ruth and Dan Doughty, Debbie Cole, Susan Angell, Earle Harvey, Chris Ward, Andy and Teresa Folley and the choir for helping to design this worship series making this such a meaningful time. Kathy will be sharing pledge results shortly.
As folks arrived for worship on Commitment Sunday, they found a tree with apples on it outside the door! Ruth decorated the altar table with abundant fruit on the final Sunday of the stewardship program as we spoke about the joyful harvest (John 15:11 Jesus said, "I have said these things to you so you may have joy, and that your joy may be complete.") Kathy Brann made apple stem headbands for all of the kids, and Andy Folley helped to get all of the kids into their new red Peoples tee-shirts. The children became real live apples collecting promise cards in apple baskets at the finale of the stewardship program on 11/15. Kathy is still awaiting a few more pledge cards to give us a final pledge total – if you have not yet turned your promised giving in for 2010, please contact Kathy Brann or turn in a card during the offering on any Sunday.
Many thanks to Kathy Brann, Ruth and Dan Doughty, Debbie Cole, Susan Angell, Earle Harvey, Chris Ward, Andy and Teresa Folley and the choir for helping to design this worship series making this such a meaningful time. Kathy will be sharing pledge results shortly.
Special Challenge Still Going Strong
The Special Challenge is still going strong, with over $1,000 raised so far. The Finance Committee has decided to open the envelope at Christmastime, which leaves one more month for those special donations to see if we can meet, or even exceed the challenge from our mystery challenger. You may also read the original letter from the Challenger.
Youth Group - Leaf Raking and Pie Making!

On Sunday, November 22, the youth group met in the church kitchen to bake pumpkin pies for the Root Cellar. What a wonderful group of youth and adult volunteers. Thanks to all! You can view more pictures at the Youth Group Photo Album.
The youth group's next meeting will be on Friday, December 11 or a "Night out on the Town." They will be meeting at 5pm at the New Light church in Portland. If you have any questions or need a ride, please contact Pastor Jamie.
Many Thanks to the Scouts!
The Boy Scouts helped rake leaves on the church property on Saturday, November 7. Many thanks to all the crew!
Peoples Mom's Group Has Started Up Again

All NEW Meditation Service 2nd Sundays 7pm

Why the change? The group has felt that some music background would help to hide the distracting street noises rather than long periods of complete silence as is typical with Taize. In addition, we felt that quiet listening was more meditative than trying to sing, even though Taize music is repetitive. If you have any questions, you may contact any of the meditation leadership team: Claralee Street, Betty Lane, Karen Freitas or Pastor Gwyneth.
Meditation may not be your "cup of tea." However, our primary aim is not just for "Peoples folk" but as an opportunity to invite a friend to church who may be uncomfortable with traditional Sunday worship. Please consider inviting a friend to come with you next time. It may not be your favorite style of worship, but it may be theirs!
Join us every 2nd Sunday at 7pm.
Good News in Sunday School!
Sunday School finished the Christmas unit on November 22, and beginning December 6 will be practicing for the pageant. In Sunday School this unit, children learned all about the Good News leading up to the birth of Jesus. Children learned about the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, and Joseph and Mary during the time leading up to the births of John and his cousin Jesus. There were four stations for this unit including music, games, art and cooking. In the music station, the children learned songs that proclaim the good news. These songs will be part of our Christmas Pageant performance. In the art station children learned about the story of Mary’s visit from the angel Gabriel. In games, children learned a good news rap, had an angel relay race and put together puzzles of baby Jesus. Finally, in the cooking station, children baked goodies for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
We hope your children will join us for the remainder of this wonderful Christmas celebration as they prepare for the pageant which is scheduled for December 20! Reminder: there is no Sunday School November 29 or during Christmas vacation.
We hope your children will join us for the remainder of this wonderful Christmas celebration as they prepare for the pageant which is scheduled for December 20! Reminder: there is no Sunday School November 29 or during Christmas vacation.
Join us for a Christmas Mission
Adopt-a-Child for Christmas
Would you adopt a needy child in the Portland area for Christmas? The Root Cellar will give you the name of the child and their gift needs, which are often winter clothing. There is no obligation to purchase all of the gift suggestions - all gift purchases are at the discretion of the donor family. Please make sure each gift is carefully marked with the child's name and their family number. Gifts are due by the afternoon of Friday December 11th. To adopt a child, please contact Christine Ming at 837-1410.
Food Pantry Collections through December 20
Items requested include cereal, peanut butter, canned or instant potatoes, dry milk, spaghetti and sauce, beef & chicken gravy, beef stew, crackers, tuna helper, rice, soups, juices, baked beans, jello & puddings, canned tuna, canned meats, mac & cheese, pancake mix, maple syrup, school snacks, canned fruit, canned veggies, condiments, dishwashing liquid, paper goods, hygiene products (shampoo, soap, feminine products, etc.)
Peoples Advent Meditation Booklets
Prepare your hearts for Christmas using a meditation booklet compiled by Art Tordoff of writings from people within Peoples United Methodist Church. Suggested donation of $3, and they are available at church. Daily readings begin November 29 and go through Christmas Day.
Study Opportunity to Prepare for Christmas

Three groups plan on using this study: Adult Sunday School, Tuesday morning Bible study, and a new group that will be meeting at Betsy Ross, most likely on Thursday during the daytime. If you have any questions about these studies, would like to join one of these groups or form your own group, please contact Art Tordoff or the pastors.
Also, there are a number of personal devotional Advent study guides that would be excellent for those who cannot attend a group study. These are on a table in Ellis Hall with the suggested donation prices marked on them. These also make nice gifts for a friend with whom you would like to share the love of Jesus.
Coastal Community Christmas Fair is Here!
Uniquely Maine made items, jewelry, knits, crafts, candy, home made baked goods, books, trash and treasures, nearly new young children’s winter clothes and children’s craft room. Luncheon served 11-1 with chili, lobster stew, chicken salad, hot dogs and more.
Kids Crafts and Clothes at the Christmas Fair
Donations for the Church Fair
Submitted by Sue Angell
Donations for the church fair may be dropped off beginning 11/30 and neatly placed in the room with the mural. If you are donating food/baked goods, Ellis Hall will be open from 3:00 pm on Friday 12/14, which is when volunteers will begin setup. Volunteers to set up are welcome and volunteers to break down and clean up AFTER fair on Saturday ARE VERY WELCOME.
Donations for the church fair may be dropped off beginning 11/30 and neatly placed in the room with the mural. If you are donating food/baked goods, Ellis Hall will be open from 3:00 pm on Friday 12/14, which is when volunteers will begin setup. Volunteers to set up are welcome and volunteers to break down and clean up AFTER fair on Saturday ARE VERY WELCOME.
Mechuwana Senior High Rally Dec 11-13
Submitted by Camp Mechuwana
COST: $30.00
We will be collecting unwrapped gifts for a local Winthrop Charity. They will distribute toys to local kids who otherwise would not have any. Please, if you can bring an unwrapped gift that would be appropriate for a child. How to register: Go to our web site http://www.mechuwana.org/ and download a registration form. Or call the office 207-377-2924 and we will send you one. DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS DECEMBER 4TH.
COST: $30.00
We will be collecting unwrapped gifts for a local Winthrop Charity. They will distribute toys to local kids who otherwise would not have any. Please, if you can bring an unwrapped gift that would be appropriate for a child. How to register: Go to our web site http://www.mechuwana.org/ and download a registration form. Or call the office 207-377-2924 and we will send you one. DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS DECEMBER 4TH.
Join us to Decorate the Church for Christmas
Please bring one unwrapped child's gift for the Root Cellar Christmas Angel program. Their current request is children's socks of all sizes, in addition to toys.
This is a wonderful service for all ages, and hope to see you there! This also is another great opportunity to bring a friend.
Christmas Meditation Service December 13

All are invited to join us for a special Christmas candlelight meditation service on Sunday, December 13 at 7pm. The Christmas story will be read, followed by time for quiet meditation while listening to Handel's Messiah. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend to church who may be uncomfortable with traditional Sunday worship.
Jr. High Youth Group Night Out on the Town!
All Jr. High youth are invited to a night out on the town on Friday, December 11. We will meet at 5pm at the New Light church. If you have any questions or need help finding a ride, please contact Pastor Jamie.
Bringing Carols to Nursing Homes and Other
We also hope to drive around to some of our own folks who might enjoy caroling at their doorsteps.
Then everyone is invited back to church for some hot cocoa and light refreshments. Children are especially welcome to join us!
Neighborhood Caroling
After caroling and bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ around the block, everyone is invited back to the Arrisons for refreshments and fellowship. Please remember to dress warmly and bring a flashlight. Caroling books will be provided. Donations are welcome, and please RSVP to the Arrisons.
Christmas Pageant December 20

Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship
Remember to bring a bell to ring after the moment of silence following Silent Night!
Wayside Soup Kitchen - Help Serve December 30

Couples Dance & Relationship Class
The evening will begin with an hour long ballroom dance class led by Ann Rita Smith of Maine Ballroom Dancing and who has taught for several years at the South Portland Community Center. This will be followed by an hour session led by Steve and Kathy Beirne, who are certified teachers of the new curriculum, Mastering the Mysteries of Love. Some of the content will cover Christian relationship principles.
There will be a maximum of 12 couples, and minimum of 5 couples . The cost per couple will be $70, which includes the text. To hold your spot, a $10 registration fee will be due by December 28, and the balance due by the first class on January 4. Scholarships may be available so if you need financial assistance to be able to attend please contact the pastors.
Please contact the pastors if you are interested in these classes. You may print a registration form here and mail or drop off to the church with your registration fee.
Mission Trip is Planned for Summer 2010!

We have selected Experience Mission in Baltimore, Maryland. Experience Mission is a non-denominational, Christian-based mission. Their mission in Baltimore works with a children's ministry called the Christian Community Center, which is located in the heart of Baltimore. In addition to leading Kids Club at the Christian Community Center, mission volunteers will work with the homeless and help with work projects such as painting and minor repairs. We will most likely travel on the mission trip July 11-16, however this date is still tentative.

Each morning there is time set aside for devotions and prayer, and the staff lead worship after dinner each evening. All meals are prepared by the Experience Mission staff. Our Peoples planning team will continue to work on details such as transportation, fund-raising, and sign-up. The cost of the trip is $265 per person, plus travel expenses.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about this mission trip, or ways you may be able to support the team even if you cannot attend yourself, please come to our informational meeting on January 10! If you have any questions before then, please contact any of our team members: Betsy Morrison, Betty Lane, Janell Powell, Earle Harvey and Pastor Gwyneth.
No Sunday School November 29
Just a reminder that there is no children's Sunday School this Sunday, November 29 due to the holiday. Children ages 5 and under may go to nursery, and if someone would like to supervise a movie during worship children 5 and up may do this. Otherwise children 5 and up will remain in worship, and there are craft bags for them to use. Please contact the pastors if you would be able to help out. Thanks!
More Aprons Anyone?
We would like to know how many more people would like to have church aprons. Please contact Rosemary Herd so that your name can be added to the list when we put in the next order. Thank you!
Beginning Sunday, November 29, Pastor Jamie will be preaching all through Advent and will be videotaping each service as he prepares for his interviews with the Board of Ordained Ministry in February. Many thanks to Wes Splettstoesser who will be doing this taping!
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Bells are Ringing!
For a video, go to the Peoples Facebook page
Monday, November 02, 2009
Membership Sharing Lunch
Many thanks to Chris Ward for heading up this event, including coordinating food, setup and take down crews. And thank you to all who helped out, cooked, set up, cleaned up, brought food, and participated in word or presence. That sure means a lot to those considering joining the family here at Peoples!
Inquirers classes will continue for the next several weeks on Monday evenings, and those who make a decision for membership will join on Sunday, November 22. We hope all will join us then to welcome our newest family members!
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