Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rising to the Need 2009

The reason for my letter is to share with folks who were not present during service this past Sunday, a request I presented during Prayers & Concerns on behalf of the Church Council.

I am speaking to you today, at this prayerful time of service, to ask you for your help. Our church offerings are not enough to pay our bills on time. We have no reserve for unexpected repairs. Our budget primarily consists of salaries for the Pastors, Organist, cleaning services & utilities. Unless giving increases these services are at risk of being reduced.

No one really wanted to come before you today and ask for money. It is harder for me to stand here and speak than it is for you to hear my words. I’m afraid I may offend you…others are afraid I’ll offend you. I’ve asked God to guide my every word, for I am blessed and excited about our Church’s work in my life and our community.

Only you and God know your financial ability to support your church. You owe no one an explanation about where you are in your giving. Through prayer, God will help you decide how you can help.

The ushers will pass out a form, which provides helpful guidance to our Financial Secretary, Kathy Brann, who is asking that it be returned within a couple of weeks either by placing it in the offering plate or mailing it. Your reply is confidential.

If you are visiting today, we value your presence; please do not feel the need to participate. This gift of giving is the joyful responsibility of our members and regular attendees. Please keep your church leaders in prayer.

If you would like to discuss this issue in more detail, I’m sure Kathy Brann, Chris Bowker, or myself would be glad to help. I’ve attached the form that was past out by the ushers. Thank you so much for your time and this consideration.

God Bless,

Doreen Gay
Treasurer of the Board of Trustees
Member PUMC
Rising to the Need 2009
Peoples United Methodist Church

All the believers were of one heart and mind, and they felt that what they owned was not their own; they shared everything they had. There was no poverty among them, because people who owned land or houses sold them and brought the money to the apostles to give to others in need. – Acts 4:32,34

I will joyfully make the following commitment(s) Please circle all that apply

___ Pray daily / weekly for the financial and spiritual life of our church
___ Begin pledging to the church in the amount of $____________ per week
___ Pledge to give an additional $5/week $10/week $20/week or Other $___________ for the remainder of the year, working toward tithing and beyond
___ Pay ahead a portion of my pledge for the year now of $_____________
___ Make a special gift for a budget item – see Kathy Brann or the Pastors

Name(s)________________________________ Date___________
Address __________________________________________

Peoples UMC is one among many churches and families struggling with finances right now. Your church family is there for you. Would you commit to being there for your church family? Please place this card in the offering, or mail to Kathy Brann, Financial Secretary, Peoples UMC 310 Broadway South Portland, ME 04106.

Your church family thanks you !

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