Cabin Fever
On a sunny mo
rning in May a camp cleanup opportunity was planned and carried our by 5 stalwarts and a driver from Peoples United Methodist Church. This
wasn’t just any camp cleanup. It was an opportunity to put at least one campsite in order at Camp
Mechuwana, the United Methodist camp located on Lower Narrows Pond in Winthrop. Meeting at the church for a short time the
Tordoffs and the
Bruneaus headed off to be in Winthrop by 9 AM. A beautiful day to work, we met one of the workers and he directed us to
Kinnick Kinnick with rags, bottles of bleach and a broom. Soon Ta
mmy Tapley and
Jema arrived and we were deeply engaged in wiping down walls, screens, beds and mattresses. We then swept out 4 cottages that had recently been used by the Junior Classical League of Maine. We even had the opportunity to clean out toilets and showers. We had been told that once we were finished this campsite we could move on to the next campsite a short distance up the road, and then if we finished that site there was a third we could toil over

. Alas, because of the few of us that were there we felt we could only complete the first. We were invited to a great lunch buffet with all the fixings for sandwiches, salads and pizza. We were really surprised at the number of folks that were at the Commons when we got there. There were a number of young people there for the finals of the Bible Quiz championship. We thought perhaps we were the only folks in camp. It was a great time for all of us. We we

re thanked by the camp director, Norm
Thombs for what we had done and we promised that we would try to have more folks with us the next time that we came up for a work party. It was a great way to spend some time with other members of the church in a great location, one that has grown immensely from the camp that I attended as a high school camper in the 1950’s.
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